President Francis McCrossin welcomed us all to our new season and we had our usual gathering on the ice at the start of the first game.
Unfortunately, our Honorary President is not well at the moment, so we were pleased that Alistar was able to deputise most handsomely for his father. We hope Jim makes a full recovery and will be back in charge next season.
And then it was time for some curling. It's good that we are back to 8 rinks, so the full club will be out most Mondays. Yesterday there were wins for George Hay, Peter Galloway and Ken Ross, while Francis and Colin Naismith had an honourable draw.
The league table can be found here or by clicking on the Fraser Cup link, top right on the page.
Hazel provided us with an excellent meal. after which Francis welcomed all our new members. He advised us that because of the pressure on substitutes caused by illness, the committee have suspended for this season the three shot penalty for only having three players. Evert effort should continue to be made to arrange for subs, however.
There will be a Strategy Seminar after next Mondays game and everyone is encouraged to attend.
Colin Naismith followed up on the AGM proposal that we get more involved with the Disnae Club, and advised that every team should provide at least one member to help them during the season. Skips to advise Colin asap.
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