Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Frame Salver and A.G.M. 2019

Winners of last night's Frame Salver with a plus 9 score, were Richard Morrison, Euan Lawrence, George Hay and Gordon Todd.

After the game, we had an excellent meal and we gave a hearty thank you to Stephen of Limekiln Caterers for his special menu.

Some of us were thinking that the committee had some bad news for us, when we saw them preparing for the AGM.

But it turned out that they were only concerned that Ronnie Wilson had said he was going to amend the subscription rate. What they didn't know was that it was a reduction! (for non mother club members).

Full minutes of the AGM can be found here or by clicking the AGM Minutes page, but our new Office Bearers are:

Honorary President   Jim Lyburn
President                   Richard Morrison
Vice President           Peter Reynolds
Secretary                   Peter Galloway
Treasurer                   Ronnie Wilson
Match Secretary        Ken Ross.

Our four committee members continue as Anne Hay, David Gray, Jimmy Niblock and Robert Charters.

Subscriptions (including RCCC) continues at £43.
                       (without RCCC)       reduces to £23
                         Non Playing        continues at £10.

The highlight of Ken Ross's Match Secretary report was of course the promotion of the Gangrels 2 Day League Team of Peter Galloway, Euan Lawrence, Richard Morrison and Steel McFadzean from Day League 2 to Day League 1. We believe that this is the first time that two teams from one club will play in the top division.

Next year we will again field 6 teams on a Monday night and we have 9 reserves at present.
The skips will be

Richard Morrison
Euan Lawrence
Jimmy Begg
Bob Cherry
Robert Charters
David Hope

Presentation of Prizes

Fraser Cup winners
Peter Kennedy, Ronnie Wilson, Bella Kennedy, Peter Galloway and Ronnie Peat

President's Cup Winners
Peter Kennedy, Ronnie Wilson, Ronnie Peat, Peter Galloway and Bella Kennedy

Kirkbride Rosebowl, being presented by President Peter to
George Hay, Steel McFadzean (S), Jimmy Begg and Peter Reynolds
Drew Duncan Quaich Winners
Euan Lawrence, David Gray (S), Frances McCrossin and Gordon Todd
Pairs winners
Euan Lawrence and Ken Ross
Points winner
Euan Lawrence

Sportsman's Award
Peter Galloway

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Steel McFadzean's rink wins Rosebowl

Steel McFadzeans's Rink of Jimmy Begg, George Hay and Peter Reynolds won last night's final of the Kirkbride Rose Bowl.  

They took the first end and kept scoring consistently and by the fifth end they were  5-1 ahead.  

Richard Morrison's scratch Rink of Peter Galloway, Ernest Mutter and Allan Chapman then managed to take a 3 in the 6th end to close the gap to 5-4 but in the last 2 ends, Steel took another 3 to close the game at 8-4.