held at the Fox and Willow Hotel, Ayr, on Wednesday 19th March 2024
at 8.15 pm.
The President, Gillian Watson, chaired the meeting.
The following members were present:
George Hay Peter Galloway Anne Hay
David Graham Richard Morrison Gillian Watson
Donald Cattanach David Gray David Hope
Robert Charters Bob Cherry Euan Lawrence
Ronnie Peat Ronnie Wilson Ernest Mutter
Peter Kennedy Peter Reynolds Steell McFadzean
Jim Lyburn Jimmy Niblock Allan Chapman
David Stubley Fraser Hogg Francis McCrossin
Douglas Haddow
Item 1 - Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from:
Ally Henry, George Hodge, Jimmy Begg, and Willie Scott.
Item 2 - Endorsement of Minutes
The Minutes of the 84th Annual General Meeting dated 13 Mar 23 were endorsed
with acceptance of the spelling error noted by Peter Reynolds in Item 10 Para 4.
This had been corrected in the archived master copy.
Proposer, Gillian Watson, Seconder, Fraser Hogg.
Item 3 - Actions arising
The Secretary reported on the following minuted actions:
Item 11a - New league with Tarbolton. Action complete/OBE.
Item 11b - New event with Ochiltree. Action complete/OBE.
Item 11e - Skip selection process review. Action complete.
Item 11f - Reinstatement of 3 point penalty. Action complete/OBE
Item 4 - Financial Statement
The Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31 Jan 24 had been
approved by Committee and signed off on 27 Feb 24. It had subsequent been
circulated by email to all members prior to the meeting. In his supporting report, the
Treasurer said:
" Ladies and Gentlemen , I know you have had sight of the Financial Statement of
the Club’s affairs but a few comments are necessary.
Our only income was £10 each from 30 members( £300) and if on the expenditure
side you exclude the £398 Christmas Dinner contribution our running costs for the
year were £766 therefore a deficit of £466.
Your Committee was unsure of the way ahead following the 2023 AGM and the
implications of the subsequent closure of the Ice Rink. Rather than decide not to
cancel a subscription from each member a nominal £10 seemed appropriate. With a
healthy Bank balance we agreed to subsidise some Competition entry fees to ensure
we could play if the Competitions took place. And we agreed to subsidise the
experience of an outing to Greenacres to the extent of £272. This outlay is a post
year end cost meaning our Cash in hand and Bank Balance is now reduced to
The subsidy for the Christmas dinner at the Brig o’ Doon was more than we
expected but an excellent turnout of members enjoyed a most sociable event.
I want to thank our Secretary Peter for handling various small payments through a
Petty Cash account and thank David Graham for taking the time to examine and
verify the year’s transactions undertaken by both the Treasurer and Secretary.
We are now in a more settled state as a Club and are fortunate to have Club Funds
at the level they are to support on going costs and activities."
There were no questions or objections and thus the Accounts as presented by the
Treasurer were unanimously adopted.
Item 5 - Reviews of past season and presentation of trophies
The President addressed the meeting as follows:
"Now, before I start, the venue manager has asked that, in the interests of health and
safety, none of you get up on top of the chairs and tables during my standing
Firstly, it’s a delight to welcome everyone to this 85 th Annual General Meeting of the
Gangrels Curling Club. It’s wonderful to see so many of us here this evening – I
guess tonight’s TV schedule wasn’t very promising….
It’s a gratifying end to a season with a particularly challenging start. With the closure
of the ice rink only announced in summer last year, we were immediately thrown into
uncharted waters. Our well-established routine of 5pm Monday evening curling
followed by dinner was rendered obsolete overnight and a blank sheet of paper was
our only starting point. The committee immediately adopted a war footing. Our key
objective was to keep the club together as best we could, combining as much curling
as possible with sufficient social events to maintain the Gangrels spirit. You’ll be
aware of the various to-ings and fro-ings as our unflappable secretary tried to match
our individual preferences with the realities of the available options and of the
consequent programme that arose, one that couldn’t promise the same amount of
curling we were used to but which nonetheless delivered an impressive array of
options for those who were keen to keep on curling.
We launched the season and the programme with an extremely enjoyable meal at
Ayr’s one and only Thai restaurant and then the playing commenced. We’ve tested
the pros and cons of venues from Stranraer to Uplawmoor and in between, probing
the upper limits of playable ice and in true community spirit helping support the
continued training and development of Kilmarnock’s ice men. Your match secretary
will provide more than enough detail on our curling activity and prowess when he
speaks later.
We did lose a few stalwarts along the way – some opting to become reserves while
others took the opportunity to retire from the game completely. We miss you all and
would encourage you to rethink – you know you miss us too.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that we’ve missed the social interactions that
were so accessible at Ayr ice rink. The Galleon’s vending machines have been a
sad substitute. So it was very wonderful to have such a strong turnout at our
Christmas dinner at the Brig O’ Doon. 33 of us sat down to an excellent festive meal
which was made all the more enjoyable by sharing it with our better halves. For
once I wasn’t the only woman in the room…. Hopefully, the first of many Christmas
That said, it was an illuminating illustration of how tight fisted we Gangrels seem to
be, with the contributions to the wine bill flowing in being a fraction of the quantities
of alcohol flowing into our glasses. But its not just the Gangrels who are careful with
their money – it’s what we in Scotland are known for. It reminded me of the story of
the local widow who was running through the funeral arrangements for her recently
deceased husband. Finally the undertaker came to the announcement in the press.
He explained that there was a fixed price for the first seven words, thereafter you
paid per word. The widow thought for a minute then said ‘Jock Reid, Barrheid, deid’.
The undertaker pointed out that she still had three words she had paid for. She
thought again and said ‘Jock Reid, Barrheid, deid, Volvo for sale’.
And here we are this evening, once more enjoying convivial surroundings and
celebrating our shared interest in and love of curling and our club.
From a personal point of view, it’s been a complete privilege to be your President this
year. As most of you will know, my grandfather, John Watson, was a founder
member, club president in 56-57 and subsequent honorary president. My father, Jim
Watson, who joined the Gangrels in 1952, was club president 1972-73 and
subsequently also honorary president. These were big shoes to fill. Additionally, as
the first female to act in this role, I wasn’t sure if they would be celebrating ‘curl
power’ or wondering what the world was coming to….
It’s challenging following on from well-kent previous generations. Both Dad and
particularly Grandpa were fairly handy on the ice. Any expectations that I might
share this curling prowess will by now have been roundly crushed along with any
harboured hopes that I inherited their respective after-dinner speaking abilities. I can
only promise to be short – that is your gift from this generation.
I did, as I was writing this, wish I had dad’s ability to conjure up a joke for every
occasion. He would have been my go-to for an appropriate curling joke to keep you
all amused. He would likely have mentioned that curling is the only sport where
women can beat men, given their huge advantage when it comes to sweeping. Or
that it is indeed the only time (and I emphasise the only time) when you can talk
about your President’s weight, tell me I’m too wide or shout at me to sweep harder
with impunity.
There are so many thanks to be given in this most extraordinary of years for our
Club. Firstly, a particularly huge thanks to our hardworking and immensely efficient
Secretary, Peter, who against a pretty bleak outlook has pivoted and pounced and
almost single handedly delivered our curling programme for the year. He did so
while exhibiting exemplary patience and stoicism as his President and other
committee heretics threw curveballs at his carefully constructed processes and
timelines, expertly honed through years of experience. Thankfully he long ago
learned why arguing with a woman is like reading a software licence agreement - In
the end, you ignore it all and click “I agree”. In this year more than any other we’ve
been lucky to have him. We wish him all the best with his upcoming knee surgery
and thank him again for his constant service to the club.
Another huge thanks, this time to the Committee – to Donald (smiling away oblivious
to the huge responsibility he’s about to take on), Richard and his accurate bean
counting, Bob, Spond king; Fraser, Jim, David and Alan – the Dream Team.
To Ronnie – digital king and master of the website, thank you.
To Ernest – who never gave up on us even though we continually failed to update his
email address. You’re here so we must have finally got it right….
As the news of the closure of the ice rink broke, I wondered if I would be the
president bookending my grandfather’s legacy by presiding over this club’s demise.
As I look around this room, I think that we can safely say that that has not happened,
nor even close to it. Nonetheless, it is not without some great relief that I pass the
baton over to this year’s Vice-President, Donald, who’s been an excellent VP
throughout the year. Despite being unfairly deprived of his driving licence for much
of the early part of the season, he mastered the public transport system (yes, we still
have one….) and valiantly turned up to every game. I have every faith that he will
drive the club onward and upward as we enter another year without a home ice rink
but with the spirit of the Gangrels intact and our enthusiasm as strong as ever."
Report on Open Competitions
Bob Cherry, in his role as Match Secretary, then presented his views on the 2023-24
Fraser Cup
Season started with new format Team Port v Team Starboard. 2 pools of 9 players
playing at the Galleon. Ice of variable quality through the season.
Stranraer 1 st visit 11 th October.
Our first venture to the NW Castle Hotel. An enjoyable day. Peat, Niblock, Hogg,
McLeod prevailed.
Rinks Championship 1st November.
Gangrels very first game at Greenacres. Hope, Cherry, Cattanach, Watson lost to a
strong Galston1 3-12.
Eglinton Jug 11 th and 12 th November.
A terrific competition with a High Road and a Low Road for the first time.
Gangrels (Cherry and Galloway) made up half an Ayr CC team. Lost to Riccarton in
the first round. In the Low Road the team beat Ayr Country Club and played another
Ayr CC team (Morton’s) on Sunday morning. This was a close match which we lost
to the eventual Low Road winners.
A super event. We must have a Gangrels team playing in it next season.
Stranraer 2 nd visit. 13 th December.
Another great day out. The winners were Reynolds, Hope, Gray, Henry.
Fraser Cup
The first half of the season closed with Team Port winning the Fraser Cup.
Points 24 th January.
A victory on ‘interesting’ ice at the Galleon for David Stubley on 25 points.
Province Medal 8 th January.
Gangrels (Hope, Peat, Cherry, Graham) combined with Ayr and Alloway to win both
our games. Gangrels finished 6 shots up against Dalmellington and A&A beat Sorn
by one shot. We were second overall to Stewarton Heather 2 shots ahead of
Crosshill in third.
Wilkie Trophy 31 st January.
The annual competition against Tarbolton was played at the Galleon. Both Gangrels
team won with a combined shots-up of 8. Our 9 th win in the series.
Stranraer 3 rd visit 15 th February.
Another fun day in Wigtownshire. Graham, Cattanach, Hope, McFadzean were
successful on this occasion.
Presidents Cup Final round 20 th February.
This competition concluded with Team Port winning again.
Province Knock Out 28 th February.
Henry, Cherry, Mutter, Galloway were beaten by Sorn 2-6. Close initially but Sorn’s
greater consistency and accuracy eventually prevailed.
In the open matches some success in the Jug and Province Medal for composite
teams that we contributed to. Hopefully we will be able to field Gangrels teams in
these matches next season."
Trophy Winners 2023 – 24
The trophies won during the season were awarded to the following:
Fraser Cup Team Port (Begg, Cattanach, Cherry, Graham, Henry,
Hogg, Stubley, Watson and McFadzean). As the most
frequent Skip, the trophy was presented to Steell McFadzean.
President’s Cup Team Port (as above). On this occasion, Gillian Watson received the trophy.
Points Trophy David Stubley (25)
Sportsman’s Award Gillian Watson.
Due to the vagaries and difficulties experienced this season away from Ayr Ice Rink,
no other Club Trophy events had been competed.
Item 6 - Election of Office Bearers
With President Gillian standing down, she handed over Presidency to Donald
Cattanach who assumed the Chair. President Donald thanked Past President Gillian
for her appreciable application and contributions while in office and added that he did
have some concerns about this year and the next due to the loss of a curling venue
in Ayr. The timescale and assurance of a replacement remained uncertain but
notwithstanding, the returns from members seemed to indicate a sound number of
Rinks and Reserves might be available for internal and wider events. All of this was
against a background of ongoing appreciable change which would have to be
managed. He then announced that he had chosen Fraser Hogg to be Vice President
which he had accepted and this was roundly acclaimed by those members present.
The Secretary then stated that the Committee composition for next season would be
at variance with that mandated in the Club Constitution due to a shortfall in overall
numbers. The Constitution directs that the Committee comprise 6 Office Bearers
and 4 Playing Members but with Fraser becoming Vice President, there would only
be 2 other Committee Members and no volunteers to fill the shortfall. The previous
Committee view was that no additional numbers were required and if agreed by the
membership, the Constitution would have to be amended. This could only be done
at the AGM with at least 10 days prior notice which the Secretary undertook to action
for next year. Action: Sec.
The Office Bearers and Committee for 2024-25 would therefore be:
Honorary President Jim Lyburn
President Donald Cattanach
Vice President Fraser Hogg
Past President Gillian Watson
Secretary Peter Galloway
Treasurer Richard Morrison
Match Secretary Bob Cherry
Committee David Graham (1)
Allan Chapman (2)
Examiner David Graham
of Accounts
Item 7 - Fixing of Subscriptions
The Treasurer said that in view of the current cash in the Bank situation and
satisfactory state of the Club accounts as previously stated at Item 4, the Committee
proposed that Playing Member and Reserve subscriptions be £15 and Non-Playing
£10. The Secretary added that we were unlikely to be advised of the subscription
fees for the RCCC, and possibly Ayr CC, until about Aug 2024. If we were to move
our predominant programme of games to Greenacres, the annual membership fee
for that venue would be £36 PP or £5 per day for up to 5 occasions. The Committee
recommendation that Club subscription rates be accepted as above at £15 and £10
was proposed by George Hay and seconded by President Donald.
Item 8 - Endorsement of Rink selection methodology and fixture plan
The Secretary thanked the membership for their input and summarised the results of
the annual questionnaire returns which he had previously circulated. This seemed to
indicate sufficient support for a similar programme to that introduced last season.
This was based on having 2 pools of Playing Members to fill 2 Rinks whose Skips
would rotate throughout each event. A&ACC had agreed to form a mini-league with
2 Rinks from each Club playing each other twice over the season (6 games). Dates
and venues had still to be agreed but no show stoppers had so far been identified. A
draft fixture list had been produced as the basis for the requisite venue ice bids but
this needs to be endorsed by the Committee when finalised and probably before its
next scheduled meeting in May. Dates and venues for games with Beresford Ladies
and Tarbolton had also to be agreed and finalised. The Secretary then talked
attendees through the data presented on the GCC player availability numbers sheet
previously issued. His request for an additional player in support of 2 Rinks for the
Province Medal event generated a very welcome post meeting volunteer. An
updated data sheet is attached with these Minutes.
Item 9 - Election of Scottish Curling/Eglinton Jug/Ayrshire Province Reps
The Secretary proposed and it was agreed that the extant SC Representative
Ronnie Peat and Eglinton Jug/Ayrshire Province Rep, David Gray, should continue.
Item 10 - Selection of venues and ice times for 2024/25
The Secretary once again drew Members’ attention to the questionnaire return data
shown at the top of the data sheet discussed at Item 8. This clearly indicated
discontent with continuing to use the Galleon on a Tuesday with favour turning
towards Greenacres on a Monday at 1230 or 1500. This venue and the timings
would also facilitate having a drink/snack/meal after the games. He sought and
obtained a majority agreement to base the Club internal games programme at
Greenacres on Mondays at 1230. He said that an ice bid would be drafted according
but that ice allocations were not likely to be know until about July. Once obtained
and the detail of external events sponsored by the Jug/RCCC known, a fixture
list/card might then be issued about late Aug/early Sep. Jimmy Niblock asked that
the dates and venues chosen be such as to maximise attendee participation. This
the Secretary and Match Secretary noted and replied that all of their considerations
would be focused on the availability returns on the data sheet drawn from Member
replies to the questionnaire. However, ice bids based on player preferences and
actual venue allocations may differ and would have to be managed on a
compromising basis. Action: Sec/MS/Committee
Item 11 - Any other business
Steell McFadzean asked that the Rink structures and play format for the social
events at Stranraer for next season be reviewed to give better opportunities to win
on the shots up scoring basis previously used. This was noted. Action: Sec/MS.
Item 12 - Date of next meeting
Mon 17 Mar 2025 at 1900 in Greenacres Curling (to be confirmed once events
programme finalised and aligned with the final match date given in the ice
CLUB, held at the Ice Rink, 9 Limekiln Road, Ayr, on Monday 13th March 2023 at 8.30 pm.
The President, Jim Dunlop, chaired the meeting.
The following members were present:
Jim Dunlop |
Galloway |
Ken Ross |
David Graham |
Richard Morrison |
Gillian Watson |
Donald Cattanach |
Gray |
David Hope |
Charters |
Hay |
Gordon Todd |
Ronnie Peat |
Euan Lawrence |
Mutter |
Peter Kennedy |
Peter Reynolds |
McFadzean |
Jim Lyburn |
Jimmy Niblock |
Begg |
Willie Scott |
Fraser Hogg |
Chapman |
Simon Bloomfield |
David Stubley |
Item 1 - Apologies
Ally Henry, Ronnie Wilson, Bob Cherry, David Richmond, Douglas Haddow, Neil Henderson and Anne Hay.
Item 2 - Endorsement of Minutes
The Minutes of the 83rd Annual General Meeting dated 28 Mar 22 were endorsed. Proposer, D. Gray, Seconder, G. Hay.. .
Item 3 - Actions arising
The Secretary reported on the following minuted actions:
a. Item 8 - Province Medal additional player. Action complete.
Item 11a - Suspension of 3 point penalty
rule. Action
Item 11b - Wording for substitutes in fixture
card. Action complete.
Item 11c - Robert Boyd recognition. Action
Item 4 - Financial Statement
The Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31 Jan 23 had been approved by Committee on 15 Mar 23 and circulated by email to all members prior to the meeting. In his supporting report, the Treasurer said:
" I am pleased to have brought to you a statement of the Club finances for the year to 31st January 2023. Being my second year as Treasurer, it was easier for me to know how to allocate the various income streams. I have been ably assisted by Ronnie Wilson to present the day to day transactions in to a familiar presentation and as Ronnie collated all the information he has also adopted the role of Examiner of Accounts. I thank him for the time and effort he took to deal with the paperwork given to him.
The Club continues to have a healthy bank balance. The income and expenditure account brings out a surplus of £237 for the year against a surplus of £734 for the previous year. The main differences are trophy engraving of £155 and the purchase of Club badges etc. There was no engraving cost the previous year. The badges were purchased to increase our stock and allow a quantity to be given to David Hope to donate to members of his Canadian team opponents when recently in Canada. Similarly, badges were also given to members playing for Ayr CC against the USA at home last month. Custom and practice is not to charge when badges are used for such purposes as these. There are other higher costs than those for the previous year, but none significant. At the year end we had no outstanding finance commitments and a healthy bank balance of £4436.
Members, I would be happy to try and answer any queries you may have."
There were no questions or objections and thus the Accounts as presented by the Treasurer were unanimously adopted.
Item 5 - Reviews of past season and presentation of trophies
The President addressed the meeting as follows:
" Fellow Curlers
Personally, I have enjoyed my year as President, the cut and thrust, and the company of the players I have played against. May I also say I have enjoyed the meals I have had and I thoroughly recommend the catering to the extent that having a dining club after game would be a bonus.
It is with sadness that I report the loss of Robert Boyd, a man who contributed such a lot to both our Club but also to Ayr Curling Club. May we have a minute silence in memory of Robert.
The Club was
honoured to have David Hope selected for and to represent us on the recent RCCC
Canadian Tour. His section won the
majority of their games with a fellow Ayr CC member describing the event as a
young farmers bus tour.
We have several points of play which have come up during the year which will be discussed later.
I would like to
thank the many people who helped make this s successful year and especially
Peter Galloway who, as a stalwart Secretary, has done a power of work. Thanks also go to family members and friends
who stepped up to the hack backfilling gaps in the Drew Duncan Quaich and Frame
Salver competitions. We hope that Ayrshire
Curlers Ltd manage to resolve their fuel costs issue and we look forward to
many years of curling in Ayr.
It is with great
pleasure that I nominate for the first Lady President of the Gangrels Club, the
very elegant Gillian Watson."
Report on Open Competitions
Ken Ross, in his role as Match Secretary, then presented his views on the 2022-23 season:
Our results this year can be divided into 3 categories.
In the 'did the
Club well' category, Bob Cherry’s Rink in Day League B finished in a very
creditable 2nd place with 5 wins and 3 losses.
This concludes the 'did the club well' section!
In the 'at least
we preserve some dignity' category, Richard Morrison’s Rink came through the
opening section of the Ross Low to lose to Crosshill in the semi-final. In the Province Knock-Out, Bob Cherry’s Rink
beat Ayr and Alloway in the first round but lost to Farewell in the 2nd. Ernest Mutter’s Rink lost in the semi-final
to Galston in the Parish Trophy.
In the last, and
by far the largest 'best cover your ears' category, perhaps the most grievous
result was the relegation of Ronnie Peat’s Rink from the Day League A. They had a rather torrid season in which, at
no time, did they have to buy their opponents a drink. It has been decided, as a result of lack of
numbers, to field only 1 Rink in next season’s Day League B.
First round exits
came in the Eglinton Jug, Rinks Championship, Day Leagues A and B Knock- Outs
and finally, in the Province Medal, both our Rinks lost their games.
So, all in all,
not our most stellar season but, as in every report, I want, on behalf of the
Club, to thank those members who put their names forward for Rink
selections. Please continue to do so and
I encourage any member who is considering putting their name forward to please
do so. These games are always played in
good spirit and on the basis of this year’s results, you are guaranteed a free
Trophy Winners 2022 – 23
The trophies won during the season were awarded to the following:
Fraser Cup Ernest Mutter
Jimmy Begg
George Hay
Morrison (David Graham sub)
Kirkbride Rosebowl Ernest Mutter
Bob Cherry
Hay (David Stubley sub in final)
Drew Duncan Quaich Willie Scott
Ronnie Peat
Frame Salver Peter Galloway
Robert Charters
David Gray
Trophy David Hope (26)
Pairs Alistair Henry and Ken Ross
Award Fraser Hogg
Item 6 - Election of Office Bearers
With President Jim standing down, he handed over Presidency to Gillian Watson who assumed the Chair. President Gillian thanked Past President Jim for his contributions while in office and added that she had big family shoes to fill with her grandfather and father both having been Club Presidents She then announced that she had chosen Donald Cattanach to be Vice President which he had accepted and this was roundly acclaimed by those members present. The Secretary then stated that there were 3 Committee member standing down, Ken Ross as Match Secretary and Gordon Todd and Willie Scott at the end of their period in office. Ken would be replaced by Bob Cherry and Fraser Hogg, Allan Chapman and David Graham would fill the Committee quorum. The Office Bearers and Committee for 2023-24 would therefore be:
Honorary President Jim Lyburn
President Gillian Watson
President Donald Cattanach
President Jim Dunlop
Secretary Peter Galloway
Treasurer Richard Morrison
Secretary Bob Cherry
Committee David Graham (2)
Chapman (3)
Hogg (3)
Examiner Ronnie Wilson CA
7 - Fixing of Subscriptions
Secretary said that in view of the current cash in the Bank situation and
satisfactory state of the Club accounts as previously stated at Item 4, based
on the Treasurer’s recommendation, the Committee proposed no uplift in any
category of Club subscription for next season. Playing Member subscriptions
would be £23, Reserves £60 and Non-Playing £10.
He added that we were unlikely to be advised of the subscription fees
for both ACC and RCCC until about Aug 2023.
The Committee recommendation that Club subscription rates remain unchanged
was accepted unanimously.
8 - Rink numbers and selection of Skips
Secretary thanked the membership for their input and summarised the results of
the annual questionnaire returns which indicated sufficient Playing Members to
resource 6 Rinks again for next season along with a healthy balance of Reserves
(8). Two
new Playing Members proposed and Seconded were David Stubley and David
Richmond. The Committee recommended
discontinuing last season’s trial with all Playing Members and Reserves forming
8 Rinks for entry in to the Drew Duncan Quaich and Frame Salver competitions as
calling on family/friends to resource sufficient players had been
administratively demanding and fraught with difficulties. It was intended to revert
to both competitions being 6 Rink events.
This was agreed. As had been mentioned in the Match Secretary’s Report
at Item 5 above, he drew attention to the single player shortage for the
Ayrshire Province Medal but sufficient Reserves would make up the shortfall. In particular, it was intended to reduce
participation in both the Day League and Eglinton Jug to 1 Rink. No objections were voiced.
following Skips were elected for the season:
Watson (Pres), Robert Charters, Peter Kennedy, Steell McFadzean, David Hope and
Bob Cherry. Discussion on the
Committee’s selection process and means of promulgation ensued at Item
9 - Election of Scottish Curling/Eglinton Jug/Ayrshire Province Reps
Secretary stated and it was agreed that the extant SC Representative Ronnie
Peat should continue. However, Jim Lyburn would be standing down as the
Eglinton Jug/Ayrshire Province Rep but David Gray had magnanimously agreed to
fill this vacancy.
10 - Selection of ice times for 2023/24
Secretary sought agreement to continue to bid for Club internal events to be
held on Mondays between 5.15 - 7.15 pm with drinks and a meal afterwards which
was agreed without dissent. The
Secretary undertook to bid accordingly using the fixture card programme for
this season, other than for the reduced Rinks in the Drew Duncan Quiche and
Frame Salver events, as the basis of the bid.
However, all of the Club’s
planning would be totally dependant upon the future of the Ice Rink, new ice
allocation schedules and the frightening increase in energy costs being
anticipated. The Finance Director ACL
and MD Ayr CC had both written to all Ice Rink users highlighting the financial
difficulties ahead. In view of the
potential difficulties and uncertainty, the Secretary recommended that members
attend the ACL and ACC AGM meetings usually called for and held in August.
Notwithstanding, it was expected that all Ice Rink users would be advised of a
way ahead as soon as light could be seen at the end of the current cost of
living/fuel charges dilemma tunnel. The general consensus was to maintain the
planning status quo, await developments over the coming months and the outcome
from both ACC and ACL AGMs in August.
11 - Any other business
a. Informal discussions had been opened with
Tarbolton CC to seek their opinion in forming a 5 Rink league should both Clubs
experience a fall in playing members.
This league would take the place of the Fraser Cup which would
then be won by the Gangrels Rink sitting highest in the league. Dialogue had stalled recently but it was
agreed that the initiative should be continued if Tarbolton are of a similar
mind for the longer term and the administrative details formulated as
necessary. Action: Sec/MS.
b. Ochiltree CC had informally suggested a 2
Rink friendly event next season, probably on
a Sunday but no further detail had as yet been received. It was agreed that if a more positive
approach was made, the Secretary/Match Sec would then seek the necessary
Playing Member support. Action:
c. Ice costs and the future of the Ice Rink
was discussed and the data requested by
letter from the ACC MD sought from those present. The questions posed concerning ice charges
and future frequency of play were addressed, the numbers responding to each
question noted and, following the meeting, the Secretary provided the results
to the ACC MD by email. David Hope
suggested that consideration be given to the Club making a financial pledge to
ACC/ACL as was done during the pandemic.
The Secretary replied that this had been considered by the Committee and
agreed but the ACC MD had then indicated that the level of financial support
required was markedly in excess of that necessitated by the impact of the Covid
pandemic. Jimmy Begg suggested that
energy cost limiting initiatives such as solar and wind power generation
on/around the Ice Rink be considered.
The Secretary said that this had been discussed at ACC/ACL AGMs in the past
but capital investment, limited power production and structural difficulties
had prevented their introduction. George
Hay added that planning approval considerations had also had an impact in
taking these issues forward.
Jimmy Begg also suggested that the seating arrangements for the AGM be reviewed
such that attendees can dine and then be better immersed in the issues and
discussions of the AGM. This was noted.
e. David Gray raised his concern about the way
that the selection of Skips for next season had been announced which was
perceived to have been based on a matter of accepted annual rota. He suggested more time was needed for
nominated Skips to prepare and that the Committee must make sure that all members
of a Rink enjoy their games by having strong and capable Skips. This was supported by Jim Lyburn. Peter Kennedy suggested that selected Skips
be contacted for their approval before the AGM.
Simon Bloomfield agreed in general but asserted that flexibility was
required and as a teaching Club, development in individual ability was
essential. Jim Dunlop sought to draw the
subject to a close by stating that the Committee tries hard to address the
concerns expressed and provide a balance in all Rink capabilities. The President then said that that the
Committee would undertake a review of the Club’s Skip selection process and
seek to refine it to the satisfaction of all.
Ronnie Peat, in summary, proposed that the matter be left with the
Committee to resolve which was unanimously agreed. Action: Committee.
f. The Secretary stated that the Committee
strongly advocated the reintroduction of the 3 point penalty rule for players
who fail to attend or are more than 30 minutes late for a scheduled Club
event. This generated general discussion
on the pros and cons of the rule but in conclusion it was agreed that last
seasons trial should be suspended and the 3 point penalty rule set out once
again in next season’s fixture card. Action:
Item 12 - Date of next meeting
Mon 11 Mar 2024 at 8.15 pm in Ayr Ice Rink (to be
confirmed once events programme finalised and aligned with the Frame Salver match
date given in the ice allocation).
CLUB, held at the Ice Rink, 9 Limekiln Road,
Ayr, on Monday 28th March 2022 at 5.00 pm.
The President, Peter Reynolds, chaired the
The following members were present:
Jim Dunlop
Peter Galloway
Ken Ross
David Graham
Anne Hay
Ronnie Wilson
Bob Cherry
David Gray
David Hope
Robert Charters
George Hay
Gordon Todd
Ronnie Peat
Euan Lawrence
Ernest Mutter
CLUB, held at the Ice Rink, 9 Limekiln Road,
Ayr, on Monday 28th March 2022 at 5.00 pm.
The President, Peter Reynolds, chaired the
The following members were present:
Jim Dunlop |
Peter Galloway |
Ken Ross |
David Graham |
Anne Hay |
Ronnie Wilson |
Bob Cherry |
David Gray |
David Hope |
Robert Charters |
George Hay |
Gordon Todd |
Ronnie Peat |
Euan Lawrence |
Ernest Mutter |
Item 1 - Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from:
Gillian Watson, Allan Chapman, Ally Henry,
Donald Cattanach, Richard Morrison, Jimmy Niblock, Willie Scott, Fraser Hogg,
Francis McCrossin, and Douglas Haddow.
Apologies for absence were received from:
Gillian Watson, Allan Chapman, Ally Henry,
Donald Cattanach, Richard Morrison, Jimmy Niblock, Willie Scott, Fraser Hogg,
Francis McCrossin, and Douglas Haddow.
Item 2 - Endorsement of Minutes
The Minutes of the 82nd Annual General (Zoom)
Meeting dated 15 Mar 21 were endorsed.
Proposer, G. Hay, Seconder, R.
Peat. .
The Minutes of the 82nd Annual General (Zoom)
Meeting dated 15 Mar 21 were endorsed.
Proposer, G. Hay, Seconder, R.
Peat. .
Item 3 - Actions arising
The Secretary reported on the following minuted
a. Item 8 - Ice bid
Action complete.
b. Item 10 - Selection of ice
days/times. Action
The Secretary reported on the following minuted
a. Item 8 - Ice bid
Action complete.
b. Item 10 - Selection of ice
days/times. Action
Item 4 - Financial Statement
The Secretary, on behalf of the absent Treasurer, Richard Morrison,
presented his report having previously circulated the Income and Expenditure
Account for the year ending 31 Jan 22.
These accounts had been approved by Committee on 9 Mar 22. The Treasurer’s report was read as follows:
" Lady and Gentlemen, firstly apologies for confusing you all for
the 2 sets of financial affairs sent to you.
The Income and Expenditure Statement sent out first was thought by some
members not to contain sufficient details and, in particular, a balance sheet
which had been the case in previous years - at least 12 years while the annual
accounts had been prepared by qualified accountants - and I am not a qualified
accountant. So, Ronnie Wilson, the
immediate past Treasurer, pulled together on my behalf the finished product
provided to you to consider tonight.
With limited activity in the previous year, comparisons of income and
expenditure are not too meaningful. We
had no expenses for such as trophy engraving and no other exceptional outlays
so the starting bank balance of club funds increased by over £700 to have in
the Bank just over £4000. Commitments
going forward are the cost of engraving for this playing year to March 2022 and
the outlay for the drinks provided to attendees tonight.
Last year, it will be remembered that we as a club had pledged £2000 of
club funds to be paid over to Ayrshire Curlers if needed to support Ayr CC
until Government assistance arrived or indeed just to keep the Ice Rink
facilities continuing. As far as I am
aware, this pledge has ceased to subsist and any new pledge would need club
members approval going forward."
The Secretary closed this item by recommending
and proposing adoption of the accounts on behalf of the Treasurer as
presented. This was unanimously agreed.
Item 5 - Reviews of past
season and presentation of trophies The President addressed the meeting as
" Fellow Gangrels,
Once again this wretched pandemic has come to
plague us, forcing the cancellation of our last event of the season, the Frame
Salver, and the postponement of our AGM until today. This has resulted in some
Members already being off on holiday, and without the attraction of a good
meal, attendance at the Meeting is perhaps a little lower than normal. However,
I am delighted that despite Covid19, the numbers and enthusiasm of our
Membership through the season have not been adversely affected, and the
Reserves have had plenty of curling.
Having recently extended the Membership of the
Club to include Ladies, we have sadly lost one of our keenest and much loved
Lady Members this year, Bella Kennedy, and I would ask you for a moment’s
silence to remember Bella…
Robert Boyd, for medical reasons, opted to
become a Non-playing Member this season, and Anne Hay stepped up to become a
Playing Member again in his place. We are delighted that Robert continues his
excellent work for Ayr Curling Club with his characteristic enthusiasm.
George Hodge, after very many years as a Gangrel
(nobody seems to know exactly how many), has decided to become a Non-playing
Member. We thank him for his long and loyal contribution to the Gangrels.
Francis McCrossin has made it known that he has
played his last game with the Club, also becoming a Non-playing Member next
year – judging by this season’s competition results, this possibly has
something to do with the idea of “quitting while you’re ahead”!
Euan Laurence is moving to the Reserve list.
On the plus side, we have had two new members,
David Graham and Neil
Henderson, joining the Club this year – welcome
both. Two members of the Disnae Club have expressed interest in joining the
Gangrels next year, thanks to the encouragement of our Secretary. I would urge
you all to continue your efforts to seek new recruits to the Club, taking
advantage of the publicity around our recent Olympic success. As numbers stand
at present we should be able to support six Rinks next season, with 9 Reserves.
Your Committee has met through the year to
conduct the business of the Club, discussing such matters as Club finances,
bids for ice time, and the selection of Skips and Rinks for next year.
Overall I think we have had a successful season,
with some excellent games in both the league and knockout competitions –
results and presentations to follow. The new format of eight Rinks in the Drew
Duncan Quaich involving Members and Reserves, played in December, was a great
success, with an excellent three course meal following the game. The Committee
feels this should be continued in both that competition and the Frame Salver
next year.
We played three enjoyable matches with Beresford
Ladies, Ayr & Alloway, and Tarbolton Curling Clubs, the first being a
friendly affair with mixed teams, and with wins for the Gangrels in the other
two matches. Points and Pairs competitions attracted good support. The
President’s skills were sadly wanting in the Points, but he did reach the final
of the Pairs!
We shall hear later from the Match Secretary
with the details of the Club’s performance in the various Ice Rink
I must end with thanks to many people who have
served and supported the Club over my time as your President:
Lorrie and his team for delicious food always
served with a smile,
The Bar Staff,
Your Committee for their support and advice
through some challenging times,
Our website manager and blogger - Ronnie Peat,
Match Secretary – Ken Ross, both of whom perform
their tasks with expert skill and judgement,
Treasurer – Richard Morrison who took over from
Ronnie Wilson last year,
Vice President – Jim Dunlop stepping up at short
notice and about to embark on his second term as President,
And to our Secretary – Peter Galloway for his
unfailing good humour, his industry and efficiency on our behalf, and for being
one step ahead all the time. Peter we wish you a quick recovery from Covid, and
all success with the new knee when it comes.
To thank to them all, Ladies and Gentlemen,
please let us show our appreciation.
And finally my thanks to you, the Membership,
for giving me the honour of being your President these last two years."
Report on Open Competitions
Ken Ross, in his role as Match Secretary, then
presented his views on the 2021-22 season:
"The membership will be well aware by now
that I devote a good deal of the off season trying to find ways to make the
Gangrels competition Rinks as competitive as possible and instil a winning
To this end, last summer I turned to the
biography of Sir Alex Ferguson the famous former manager of Manchester United,
to try to find out how he inspired and coached his players to great success. I
was only a few chapters in when I realised his problems were nothing like mine.
For instance, his players are in their teens and twenties, some of my players
have grandchildren that age.
Most of my players are on drugs of some sort
Many are carrying injuries
My players only attend one training session a
They only diet when they can’t zip up their
trousers and any fitness regime is abandoned by the first week in January.
So any Rink’s performance must be seen in this
context .
The more astute of you will recognise that this
lengthy preamble is merely a device to disguise the fact that we did not set
the heather on fire this year, but we did create a few glowing embers.
The 'A’ Day League 1st Rink Skipped
by Ronnie Peat continue to do the club credit, finishing in mid table with 4
wins and 3 losses, hammering Galston on the way, which was most satisfying.
The ‘A’ League 2nd Rink Skipped by
Peter Galloway did not fare as well, they were hampered by many call offs and
substitutions, failing to win a match and were subsequently relegated.
In the Knock Out Trophy for this League, the 1st
Rink beat Troon Portland but lost to Fairywell. The 2nd Rink lost to
Fairywell in the first round.
In the Province Medal, a competition where 2
Rinks from each club play and the highest aggregate score from each Rink
combined is the winner, we came a very creditable 3rd.
In the Ross Low, having won the initial round
Robin against Ayr and Alloway and Troon Portland, we were beaten by Dundonald.
In the Parish Trophy, we beat Tarbolton but then
lost to Dundonald.
In the other competitions, the Eglinton Jug, the Rink Championship and
the Province Knockout, we lost in the first round.
The Committee have decided that in future we
will enter only one Rink in the Eglinton Jug as we are stretched to put up
two. The numbers are such that we cannot
field two strong Rinks with sufficient subs.
In mitigation, I would say it amazes me how
often we are drawn against the big beasts of curling namely Sorn, Dundonald and
Fairywell. I’m not implying there’s a conspiracy going on, I’m just saying.
These rather uninspiring results would of course not be possible without our players.
We owe them our gratitude for turning out on cold wet winter nights to
represent our Club. I genuinely want to thank them on your behalf, and would encourage
you all to give thought to joining them and swelling our numbers.
Every manager stands and falls by his team
results. I take full responsibility and
will honour all calls from the floor for my summary dismissal!"
The Secretary, on behalf of the absent Treasurer, Richard Morrison,
presented his report having previously circulated the Income and Expenditure
Account for the year ending 31 Jan 22.
These accounts had been approved by Committee on 9 Mar 22. The Treasurer’s report was read as follows:
" Lady and Gentlemen, firstly apologies for confusing you all for
the 2 sets of financial affairs sent to you.
The Income and Expenditure Statement sent out first was thought by some
members not to contain sufficient details and, in particular, a balance sheet
which had been the case in previous years - at least 12 years while the annual
accounts had been prepared by qualified accountants - and I am not a qualified
accountant. So, Ronnie Wilson, the
immediate past Treasurer, pulled together on my behalf the finished product
provided to you to consider tonight.
With limited activity in the previous year, comparisons of income and
expenditure are not too meaningful. We
had no expenses for such as trophy engraving and no other exceptional outlays
so the starting bank balance of club funds increased by over £700 to have in
the Bank just over £4000. Commitments
going forward are the cost of engraving for this playing year to March 2022 and
the outlay for the drinks provided to attendees tonight.
Last year, it will be remembered that we as a club had pledged £2000 of
club funds to be paid over to Ayrshire Curlers if needed to support Ayr CC
until Government assistance arrived or indeed just to keep the Ice Rink
facilities continuing. As far as I am
aware, this pledge has ceased to subsist and any new pledge would need club
members approval going forward."
The Secretary closed this item by recommending
and proposing adoption of the accounts on behalf of the Treasurer as
presented. This was unanimously agreed.
Item 5 - Reviews of past
season and presentation of trophies The President addressed the meeting as
" Fellow Gangrels,
Once again this wretched pandemic has come to
plague us, forcing the cancellation of our last event of the season, the Frame
Salver, and the postponement of our AGM until today. This has resulted in some
Members already being off on holiday, and without the attraction of a good
meal, attendance at the Meeting is perhaps a little lower than normal. However,
I am delighted that despite Covid19, the numbers and enthusiasm of our
Membership through the season have not been adversely affected, and the
Reserves have had plenty of curling.
Having recently extended the Membership of the
Club to include Ladies, we have sadly lost one of our keenest and much loved
Lady Members this year, Bella Kennedy, and I would ask you for a moment’s
silence to remember Bella…
Robert Boyd, for medical reasons, opted to
become a Non-playing Member this season, and Anne Hay stepped up to become a
Playing Member again in his place. We are delighted that Robert continues his
excellent work for Ayr Curling Club with his characteristic enthusiasm.
George Hodge, after very many years as a Gangrel
(nobody seems to know exactly how many), has decided to become a Non-playing
Member. We thank him for his long and loyal contribution to the Gangrels.
Francis McCrossin has made it known that he has
played his last game with the Club, also becoming a Non-playing Member next
year – judging by this season’s competition results, this possibly has
something to do with the idea of “quitting while you’re ahead”!
Euan Laurence is moving to the Reserve list.
On the plus side, we have had two new members,
David Graham and Neil
Henderson, joining the Club this year – welcome
both. Two members of the Disnae Club have expressed interest in joining the
Gangrels next year, thanks to the encouragement of our Secretary. I would urge
you all to continue your efforts to seek new recruits to the Club, taking
advantage of the publicity around our recent Olympic success. As numbers stand
at present we should be able to support six Rinks next season, with 9 Reserves.
Your Committee has met through the year to
conduct the business of the Club, discussing such matters as Club finances,
bids for ice time, and the selection of Skips and Rinks for next year.
Overall I think we have had a successful season,
with some excellent games in both the league and knockout competitions –
results and presentations to follow. The new format of eight Rinks in the Drew
Duncan Quaich involving Members and Reserves, played in December, was a great
success, with an excellent three course meal following the game. The Committee
feels this should be continued in both that competition and the Frame Salver
next year.
We played three enjoyable matches with Beresford
Ladies, Ayr & Alloway, and Tarbolton Curling Clubs, the first being a
friendly affair with mixed teams, and with wins for the Gangrels in the other
two matches. Points and Pairs competitions attracted good support. The
President’s skills were sadly wanting in the Points, but he did reach the final
of the Pairs!
We shall hear later from the Match Secretary
with the details of the Club’s performance in the various Ice Rink
I must end with thanks to many people who have
served and supported the Club over my time as your President:
Lorrie and his team for delicious food always
served with a smile,
The Bar Staff,
Your Committee for their support and advice
through some challenging times,
Our website manager and blogger - Ronnie Peat,
Match Secretary – Ken Ross, both of whom perform
their tasks with expert skill and judgement,
Treasurer – Richard Morrison who took over from
Ronnie Wilson last year,
Vice President – Jim Dunlop stepping up at short
notice and about to embark on his second term as President,
And to our Secretary – Peter Galloway for his
unfailing good humour, his industry and efficiency on our behalf, and for being
one step ahead all the time. Peter we wish you a quick recovery from Covid, and
all success with the new knee when it comes.
To thank to them all, Ladies and Gentlemen,
please let us show our appreciation.
And finally my thanks to you, the Membership,
for giving me the honour of being your President these last two years."
Report on Open Competitions
Ken Ross, in his role as Match Secretary, then
presented his views on the 2021-22 season:
"The membership will be well aware by now
that I devote a good deal of the off season trying to find ways to make the
Gangrels competition Rinks as competitive as possible and instil a winning
To this end, last summer I turned to the
biography of Sir Alex Ferguson the famous former manager of Manchester United,
to try to find out how he inspired and coached his players to great success. I
was only a few chapters in when I realised his problems were nothing like mine.
For instance, his players are in their teens and twenties, some of my players
have grandchildren that age.
Most of my players are on drugs of some sort
Many are carrying injuries
My players only attend one training session a
They only diet when they can’t zip up their
trousers and any fitness regime is abandoned by the first week in January.
So any Rink’s performance must be seen in this
context .
The more astute of you will recognise that this
lengthy preamble is merely a device to disguise the fact that we did not set
the heather on fire this year, but we did create a few glowing embers.
The 'A’ Day League 1st Rink Skipped
by Ronnie Peat continue to do the club credit, finishing in mid table with 4
wins and 3 losses, hammering Galston on the way, which was most satisfying.
The ‘A’ League 2nd Rink Skipped by
Peter Galloway did not fare as well, they were hampered by many call offs and
substitutions, failing to win a match and were subsequently relegated.
In the Knock Out Trophy for this League, the 1st
Rink beat Troon Portland but lost to Fairywell. The 2nd Rink lost to
Fairywell in the first round.
In the Province Medal, a competition where 2
Rinks from each club play and the highest aggregate score from each Rink
combined is the winner, we came a very creditable 3rd.
In the Ross Low, having won the initial round
Robin against Ayr and Alloway and Troon Portland, we were beaten by Dundonald.
In the Parish Trophy, we beat Tarbolton but then
lost to Dundonald.
In the other competitions, the Eglinton Jug, the Rink Championship and
the Province Knockout, we lost in the first round.
The Committee have decided that in future we
will enter only one Rink in the Eglinton Jug as we are stretched to put up
two. The numbers are such that we cannot
field two strong Rinks with sufficient subs.
In mitigation, I would say it amazes me how
often we are drawn against the big beasts of curling namely Sorn, Dundonald and
Fairywell. I’m not implying there’s a conspiracy going on, I’m just saying.
These rather uninspiring results would of course not be possible without our players.
We owe them our gratitude for turning out on cold wet winter nights to
represent our Club. I genuinely want to thank them on your behalf, and would encourage
you all to give thought to joining them and swelling our numbers.
Every manager stands and falls by his team
results. I take full responsibility and
will honour all calls from the floor for my summary dismissal!"
Trophy Winners 2021 – 22
The trophies won during the season were awarded
to the following:
Fraser Cup Ronnie Wilson
Peter Galloway
Peter Kennedy
Richard Morrison
President’s Cup
Francis McCrossin
Jimmy Niblock
David Hope
Anne Hay
Kirkbride Rosebowl
Francis McCrossin
Jimmy Niblock
David Hope
Anne Hay
Drew Duncan Quaich
Francis McCrossin
Donald Cattanach
Richard Morrison
David Graham
Frame Salver
Not played due to Covid closure of Ice Rink
David Hope (33)
Kennedy Pairs
Ronnie Peat and Peter
Sportsman’s Award
Donald Cattanach
The trophies won during the season were awarded
to the following:
Fraser Cup Ronnie Wilson
Peter Galloway
Peter Kennedy
Richard Morrison
President’s Cup |
Francis McCrossin Jimmy Niblock David Hope Anne Hay |
Kirkbride Rosebowl |
Francis McCrossin Jimmy Niblock David Hope Anne Hay |
Drew Duncan Quaich |
Francis McCrossin Donald Cattanach Richard Morrison David Graham |
Frame Salver |
Not played due to Covid closure of Ice Rink |
Points |
David Hope (33) |
Kennedy Pairs |
Ronnie Peat and Peter
Galloway |
Sportsman’s Award |
Donald Cattanach |
Item 6 - Election of Office Bearers
With President Peter standing down, he handed over Presidency to Jim
Dunlop who assumed the Chair. President
Jim thanked Past President Peter for his contributions while in office and
added that it had been 35 years since he previously filled the Club President
post and that he would try his best once again.
He then announced that he had chosen Gillian Watson to be Vice President
which she had accepted and this was roundly acclaimed by those members present. The Secretary then stated that there was one
Committee member standing down at the end of their 3 year period in office
(Robert Charters) and that he would be replaced by Donald Cattanach. He then proposed a change to Examiner of
Accounts and nominated Ronnie Wilson vice Alan Hastie. This was endorsed. A vote of thanks was given to Alan for his
previous long term support in this role.
The Office Bearers and Committee for 2022-23 would therefore be:
Honorary President
Jim Lyburn
Jim Dunlop
Vice President
Gillian Watson
Peter Galloway
Richard Morrison
Match Secretary Ken Ross
Committee Donald Cattanach (3)
Willie Scott (1)
Gordon Todd (1)
Peter Reynolds (1) Past President
Honorary Examiner Ronnie Wilson CA of Accounts
With President Peter standing down, he handed over Presidency to Jim
Dunlop who assumed the Chair. President
Jim thanked Past President Peter for his contributions while in office and
added that it had been 35 years since he previously filled the Club President
post and that he would try his best once again.
He then announced that he had chosen Gillian Watson to be Vice President
which she had accepted and this was roundly acclaimed by those members present. The Secretary then stated that there was one
Committee member standing down at the end of their 3 year period in office
(Robert Charters) and that he would be replaced by Donald Cattanach. He then proposed a change to Examiner of
Accounts and nominated Ronnie Wilson vice Alan Hastie. This was endorsed. A vote of thanks was given to Alan for his
previous long term support in this role.
The Office Bearers and Committee for 2022-23 would therefore be:
Honorary President |
Jim Lyburn |
President |
Jim Dunlop |
Vice President |
Gillian Watson |
Secretary |
Peter Galloway |
Treasurer |
Richard Morrison |
Match Secretary Ken Ross
Committee Donald Cattanach (3)
Willie Scott (1)
Gordon Todd (1)
Peter Reynolds (1) Past President
Honorary Examiner Ronnie Wilson CA of Accounts
Item 7 - Fixing of Subscriptions
The Secretary said that in view of the current
cash in the Bank situation and satisfactory state of the Club accounts as
previously stated at Item 4, based on the Treasurer’s recommendation, the
Committee proposed no uplift in any category of subscription for next season.
Playing Member subscriptions would be £23, Reserves £60 and Non-Playing
£10. He added that we were unlikely to
be advised of the subscription fees for both ACC and Scottish Curling until
about Aug 2022. Bob Cherry suggested
that the Reserve fee be increased as he thought that the majority played
regularly and thus the extant fee was too low.
Limited discussion ensued but without the benefit of the Treasurer’s
view on this, the motion stalled. The
Committee recommendation that Club subscription rates remain unchanged was
accepted unanimously.
The Secretary said that in view of the current
cash in the Bank situation and satisfactory state of the Club accounts as
previously stated at Item 4, based on the Treasurer’s recommendation, the
Committee proposed no uplift in any category of subscription for next season.
Playing Member subscriptions would be £23, Reserves £60 and Non-Playing
£10. He added that we were unlikely to
be advised of the subscription fees for both ACC and Scottish Curling until
about Aug 2022. Bob Cherry suggested
that the Reserve fee be increased as he thought that the majority played
regularly and thus the extant fee was too low.
Limited discussion ensued but without the benefit of the Treasurer’s
view on this, the motion stalled. The
Committee recommendation that Club subscription rates remain unchanged was
accepted unanimously.
Item 8 - Rink numbers and selection of Skips
The Secretary thanked the membership for their input and summarised the
results of the annual questionnaire returns which indicated sufficient Playing
Members to resource 6 Rinks again for next season along with a healthy balance
of Reserves (9). The Committee
recommended continuing last season’s trial with all Playing Members and
Reserves forming 8 Rinks for entry in to the Drew Duncan Quaich and Frame
Salver competitions. This was agreed and
the risk of having to call on family/ friends to make up any shortfalls or play
with reduced numbers was accepted. As
had been mentioned in the Match Secretary’s Report at Item 5 above, he drew
attention to the limited numbers indicated as available for some SC/RCCC
sponsored 2 Rink events. In particular,
it was intended to reduce participation in the Eglinton Jug to 1 Rink. No objections were voiced. He also highlighted the need for another 2
Playing Members to fill the requirement for entry into the Ayrshire Province
Medal (APM). He asked if there might be
any volunteers for this and Anne Hay and David Graham said yes, subject to the
published dates of the event. Sufficient
Reserves were earmarked to cater for any short term shortfalls. Action:
Match Sec.
2 Rinks would continue in the Day Leagues, 1 in
League A and the other in League B.
The following Skips were elected for the season:
Jim Dunlop (Pres), Jimmy Niblock,
Willie Scott, Gordon Todd, Peter Galloway and Ernest Mutter. Skips for the additional Rinks in the Drew
Duncan Quaich and Frame Salver events would be Peter Kennedy and Allan
The Secretary thanked the membership for their input and summarised the
results of the annual questionnaire returns which indicated sufficient Playing
Members to resource 6 Rinks again for next season along with a healthy balance
of Reserves (9). The Committee
recommended continuing last season’s trial with all Playing Members and
Reserves forming 8 Rinks for entry in to the Drew Duncan Quaich and Frame
Salver competitions. This was agreed and
the risk of having to call on family/ friends to make up any shortfalls or play
with reduced numbers was accepted. As
had been mentioned in the Match Secretary’s Report at Item 5 above, he drew
attention to the limited numbers indicated as available for some SC/RCCC
sponsored 2 Rink events. In particular,
it was intended to reduce participation in the Eglinton Jug to 1 Rink. No objections were voiced. He also highlighted the need for another 2
Playing Members to fill the requirement for entry into the Ayrshire Province
Medal (APM). He asked if there might be
any volunteers for this and Anne Hay and David Graham said yes, subject to the
published dates of the event. Sufficient
Reserves were earmarked to cater for any short term shortfalls. Action:
Match Sec.
2 Rinks would continue in the Day Leagues, 1 in
League A and the other in League B.
The following Skips were elected for the season:
Jim Dunlop (Pres), Jimmy Niblock,
Willie Scott, Gordon Todd, Peter Galloway and Ernest Mutter. Skips for the additional Rinks in the Drew
Duncan Quaich and Frame Salver events would be Peter Kennedy and Allan
Item 9 - Election of Scottish Curling/Eglinton
Jug/Ayrshire Province Reps
The Secretary proposed, and it was agreed, that the extant
representative Jim Lyburn (EJ/AP) should continue. However, Robert Boyd would
be standing down as the SC Rep but Ronnie Peat magnanimously agreed to fill
this vacancy.
The Secretary proposed, and it was agreed, that the extant
representative Jim Lyburn (EJ/AP) should continue. However, Robert Boyd would
be standing down as the SC Rep but Ronnie Peat magnanimously agreed to fill
this vacancy.
Item 10 - Selection of ice times for 2022/23
The Secretary sought agreement to continue to
bid for Club internal events to be held on Mondays between 5.15 - 7.15 pm with
drinks and a meal afterwards which was agreed without dissent. The Secretary undertook to bid accordingly
using the fixture card programme for this season as the basis of the bid.
The Secretary then outlined the draft programme of events which would
underpin the requisite ice bid. This would total approximately 71 sheets of ice
and with the ice charge being increased by £1 per person per session, the
shared cost per Playing Member would increase by about £30 from that of last
year with the total cost to the Club being in the region of £8300. Members were reminded that a 2% discount was
available to Clubs who paid in full by 31 Oct 22. Prompt individual payments to the Club were
therefore critical to permit the Treasurer to make this deadline and gain the
saving on offer. It was anticipated
that the actual ice allocation would be received from ACL in June/July. The Secretary read out the content of an
email received from the MD ACL on 21 Mar 22 which sought to redress concerns
expressed by Clubs regarding ice charges for next season. The Board had, and would continue to have,
difficult decisions to make as curlers face an ageing membership and the,
frankly, frightening increase in energy costs in the pipeline.
General discussion followed on the general topic
of costings and the means to reduce the Ice Rink energy bill. Bob Cherry again suggested that the share
cost by Club Reserves should increase by £20 from next season. The general consensus was to maintain the
extant fee and await developments over the summer months and the outcome from
both ACC and ACL AGMs in August.
The Secretary sought agreement to continue to
bid for Club internal events to be held on Mondays between 5.15 - 7.15 pm with
drinks and a meal afterwards which was agreed without dissent. The Secretary undertook to bid accordingly
using the fixture card programme for this season as the basis of the bid.
The Secretary then outlined the draft programme of events which would
underpin the requisite ice bid. This would total approximately 71 sheets of ice
and with the ice charge being increased by £1 per person per session, the
shared cost per Playing Member would increase by about £30 from that of last
year with the total cost to the Club being in the region of £8300. Members were reminded that a 2% discount was
available to Clubs who paid in full by 31 Oct 22. Prompt individual payments to the Club were
therefore critical to permit the Treasurer to make this deadline and gain the
saving on offer. It was anticipated
that the actual ice allocation would be received from ACL in June/July. The Secretary read out the content of an
email received from the MD ACL on 21 Mar 22 which sought to redress concerns
expressed by Clubs regarding ice charges for next season. The Board had, and would continue to have,
difficult decisions to make as curlers face an ageing membership and the,
frankly, frightening increase in energy costs in the pipeline.
General discussion followed on the general topic
of costings and the means to reduce the Ice Rink energy bill. Bob Cherry again suggested that the share
cost by Club Reserves should increase by £20 from next season. The general consensus was to maintain the
extant fee and await developments over the summer months and the outcome from
both ACC and ACL AGMs in August.
Item 11 - Any other business
In his absence, the Secretary voiced a concern expressed by Jimmy
Niblock regarding the Club’s application of its 3 shot penalty rule for a Rink
short of a player. He perceived that there had been inconsistency in its
application over the past few seasons, firstly because of a shortage of
Reserves and later because of Covid and sudden self-isolation. The issue generated animated discussion from
George Hay suggesting the penalty be reduced to 2 shots, Euan Lawrence stating
that many Clubs do not hold the rule to the Match Secretary proposing that we
dispense with it as all Club Members were diligent in seeking a substitute. The President drew the matter to a conclusion
by suggesting we suspend the ruling for next season which was unanimously
agreed. Action: Sec/All.
Bob Cherry asked for clarification on substitutes and their order of
play in a Rink. The Secretary was tasked to review the wording in the Fixture
Card to resolve any ambiguity/doubt and have the outcome endorsed by the
Committee. David Graham drew particular attention to situations which might
involve the integration of more than 1 substitute. Action:
Bob Cherry stated that he saw recurring slow play as being a problem
with some Skips taking too long in discussion with their 3rds to reach a
tactical play decision. He said, and it was generally agreed, that with a 2
hour bell to bell play duration, the aim for all Rinks should be to achieve 8
Euan Lawrence suggested that the Committee consider some merit worthy
recognition for Robert Boyd given his long term commitment to the Gangrels and
Action: Committee.
In his absence, the Secretary voiced a concern expressed by Jimmy
Niblock regarding the Club’s application of its 3 shot penalty rule for a Rink
short of a player. He perceived that there had been inconsistency in its
application over the past few seasons, firstly because of a shortage of
Reserves and later because of Covid and sudden self-isolation. The issue generated animated discussion from
George Hay suggesting the penalty be reduced to 2 shots, Euan Lawrence stating
that many Clubs do not hold the rule to the Match Secretary proposing that we
dispense with it as all Club Members were diligent in seeking a substitute. The President drew the matter to a conclusion
by suggesting we suspend the ruling for next season which was unanimously
agreed. Action: Sec/All.
Bob Cherry asked for clarification on substitutes and their order of
play in a Rink. The Secretary was tasked to review the wording in the Fixture
Card to resolve any ambiguity/doubt and have the outcome endorsed by the
Committee. David Graham drew particular attention to situations which might
involve the integration of more than 1 substitute. Action:
Bob Cherry stated that he saw recurring slow play as being a problem
with some Skips taking too long in discussion with their 3rds to reach a
tactical play decision. He said, and it was generally agreed, that with a 2
hour bell to bell play duration, the aim for all Rinks should be to achieve 8
Euan Lawrence suggested that the Committee consider some merit worthy
recognition for Robert Boyd given his long term commitment to the Gangrels and
Action: Committee.
Item 12 - Date of next meeting
Mon 13 Mar 2023 at 8.15 pm in Ayr Ice Rink (to be confirmed once events
programme finalised and aligned with the Frame Salver match date given in the
ice allocation).
CLUB, held on Zoom on Monday 15th March 2021 at 5.00
President, Peter Reynolds, hosted/chaired the meeting.
following members were present
Ally Henry, Anne Hay, Ken Ross, Gillian Watson, Francis McCrossin, Ronnie Wilson, Robert Boyd, David Gray, Peter Reynolds, Robert Charters, George Hay, Jim Dunlop, Peter Galloway, Richard Morrison, Donald Cattanach, David Hope, Jimmy Niblock, Fraser Hogg.
Item 1 - Apologies
for absence were received from Jimmy Begg.
Item 2 - Endorsement of Minutes
The Review Notes of the 81st Annual
General Meeting dated 16 Mar 20 were endorsed.
Proposer, George Hay, Seconder, David Gray.
3 - Actions arising
Secretary reported that no actions were recorded.
4 - Financial Statement
The Treasurer, Ronnie Wilson, gave his
report which had previously been circulated along with the Income and
Expenditure Account for the year ending 31Jan 21. These accounts had been approved by Committee
on 15 Feb 21. The Treasurer closed by
recommending adoption of the accounts as presented. This was Proposed by Jimmy Niblock and
Seconded by Jim Dunlop.
5 - Reviews of past season and presentation of trophies
President addressed the meeting as follows:
"It has been
a year like no other. Fellow Gangrels, I hope you and yours have all managed to
stay well, sane, and reasonably fit throughout this year of the Covid19
My review covers
four main areas; a brief account of the curling which took place, what your
Committee got up to, the state of the Club and its Membership and finally a few
words of thanks and hope for the future
Our short playing
season was brought to an abrupt end when stricter Covid19 restrictions were
introduced in October last year. Only four Club events took place. On 28th
September a Gangrels team consisting of your President, Ronnie Peat, Jim Dunlop
and David Hope took part in the Opening Bonspiel, and came 2nd, with a good win
over the Country Club but beaten by Galston. Later that day there was a
Gangrels practice session attended by 13 Club Members. On 5th October the first
round of the Fraser Cup was played – there were 3 winners and 3 losers – Peter
Galloway’s rink was top of the board on ends up. Two days later on the 7th
October Peter Galloway (skip) with Ernest Mutter, Ronnie Peat and Jimmy Niblock
won their game against Troon Portland in the first round of the Ross Low.
As no Club
competitions were completed this year, there are no trophies to be presented.
Your Committee
continued to be active through the year, the President intermittently, the
Treasurer frequently, and the Secretary almost continuously, initially
communicating by phone and email, later adopting the new technology with a
total of 6 Zoom Committee Meetings over the last few months. (We are indebted
to Gillian Watson for her advice and encouragement in that direction.)
The main areas of
discussion concerned the protection of the interests of the Club and its
Members, how to interpret and respond to the information from
Ayr Curling
Club/Ayrshire Curlers Limited, and plans for the resumption of curling next
There was much
talk about pledges to support the Ice Rink, both individual and as a Club.
After careful investigation of the circumstances and with the Treasurer’s
approval, the Committee agreed to pledge £2000, and to encourage Members to
pledge an amount with which they were comfortable. There were no objections to
this from the Membership, indeed messages of approval were received. We still
await details of the allocation of Government sports funding, but ACC/ACL
appear to be optimistic that the pledges may not be required, at least not the
full amount pledged.
Formal election of
Office Bearers comes later in the Agenda, but this matter was considered in
Committee. The Committee agreed to the proposal that this year’s Office Bearers
and Committee Members (those who are willing and able) should remain in post
for a further year, to give continuity in these exceptional times, and to enjoy
a more normal experience in these roles next year. We shall come back to that
in Item 6 of the Agenda.
Moving on to
Membership of the Club. We have heard that the Club is in good financial
health, and judging from Secretary Peter’s questionnaire returns, the level of
enthusiasm for a return to curling is gratifyingly high. Also when one more
Playing Member to make up 6 rinks was sought, more than one of the Reserves put
themselves forward straightaway, and we thank them for this.
We have 3
resignations from the Club – Austin Thomson, Greer Murray (who was a
non-playing member in recent years), and Ken Ireland, and no new members
proposed. Euan Lawrence has elected to join the Reserves, Fraser Hogg and
Willie Scott have stepped up to become Playing Members, and I am especially
delighted that Anne Hay is returning to curl with us, as a Reserve at this
One other
resignation I should mention concerns our Treasurer Ronnie Wilson, who is
standing down from this post after 8 years in the job. The Club’s finances
could not have been in safer hands, and we thank you Ronnie for your diligence,
efficiency, and wise counsel in Committee over this time. We are naturally
delighted that you are continuing to curl with us.
I am very happy to
announce that Past President Richard Morrison has agreed to take on the role,
and I am sure there will be a seamless transition from one excellent Treasurer
to the next.
Before I finish I
would like to thank you all for entrusting me with the Presidency of this
historic Club, which I take as a great honour. I would also like to thank my
Committee, for their support through the year, and tolerance of my variable
success in mastering Zoom technology.
Thanks also go to
Ronnie Peat for attending to the website (not such an onerous task this year),
Ken Ross Match Secretary who has worked with Secretary Peter in the selection
of rinks and skips, Ronnie Wilson Treasurer whom I have already thanked, Jim
Dunlop Vice President who stepped in at short notice, and Peter Galloway, our
unfailing Secretary, who simply keeps the show on the road.
I hope we are all
able to enjoy the summer when it comes, and I very much look forward to meeting
on the ice in the autumn."
6 - Election of Office Bearers
As had been intimated by the President
in his review at Item 5 above, as this had been a fallow year in terms of
curling activity, it had been agreed by the Committee that, exceptionally,
there should be no changes in the composition of the Committee. Jimmy Niblock said that the precedence for continuing
with a President and Committee for consecutive years had been set in the past
without objection. With no objections
being voiced, the Secretary reported that the Office Bearers and Committee for
2021-22 would therefore be:
President Jim Lyburn
President Peter Reynolds
President Jim Dunlop
President Richard Morrison
Secretary Peter Galloway
Treasurer Richard Morrison
Secretary Ken Ross
Committee Robert Charters (1)
Watson (2)
Scott (2)
Todd (2)
Accounts Allan Hastie
7 - Fixing of Subscriptions
The Treasurer reminded the meeting that
there had been a debate and review of subscription rates last year which
resulted in the Mother Club subscription being set at £43 (inclusive of a £20
SC/RCCC membership fee), Non-Mother Club at £23 and Non-Playing at £10. Given the satisfactory state of the Club
accounts as previously stated at Item 4, he therefore recommended that there be
no change to Playing Member and Non-playing subscriptions. He added that we
were unlikely to be advised of the subscription fees for both Ayr Curling Club
and Scottish Curling/RCCC until about Aug 2021.
His proposal that there be no change to the basic Club subscription
rates was accepted unanimously.
8 - Rink numbers and selection of Skips
Taking into account the resignations
and changes in playing status reported by the President in his review at Item 5
above, the Secretary thanked the membership for their input and summarised the
results of the annual questionnaire returns which indicated sufficient Playing
Members to resource 6 Rinks again for next season along with a healthy balance
of Reserves (9). He also highlighted
that the previously agreed trial to have 8 Rinks participate in the Drew Duncan
Quaich and Frame Salver competitions would be progressed next season where all
Playing and Reserve Members would compete. Sufficient Playing Members and
Reserves had been recorded for all external events. He then proposed that if everyone was
content, he would work up an events programme very similar in activity level as
in this season’s fixture card and with very similar Skips and Rinks. This would then be used to inform an ice bid which
would be submitted to ACL once they had indicated what a return to curling
would entail.
Action: Sec
Robert Boyd as ACC President expressed the optimistic
view that Ayr ice Rink should re-open for business in the very near future once
sufficient financial support had been provided and declared by Sport Scotland
and then ACL. Restoring the ice pad
would then be progressed as a matter of priority.
The following Skips were elected for
the season:
Peter Reynolds (Pres), Francis McCrossin,
David Gray, Ronnie Wilson, Ronnie Peat and Ken Ross. Additions for the Drew Duncan Quaich and
Frame Salver events would be Peter Galloway and Bella Kennedy.
9 - Election of Scottish Curling/Eglinton Jug/Ayrshire Province Reps
The Secretary proposed and it was
agreed that the extant representatives, Robert Boyd (SC/RCCC) and Jim Lyburn
(EJ/AP), should continue.
10 - Selection of ice times for 2021/22
The Secretary sought agreement to
continue to bid for Club internal events to be held on Mondays between 5 - 7 pm
with drinks and a meal afterwards which was agreed without dissent. He
undertook to bid accordingly.
Action: Sec.
Jim Dunlop asked whether catering on
site would be available which Robert Boyd confirmed.
The Secretary said that as the way
ahead for next season was still unknown, it could be another short notice and
busy 6 months to get our curling house in order, fixtures arranged and then
promulgated. Last year’s fixture card
would be used as a template. More
information and fine detail was awaited from ACL/ACC as was whether Covid 19
protection protocols would be applied.
Robert Boyd and George Hay both suggested that the current fog of Ice
Rink curling activity uncertainty may be eased in the next week or two.
11 - Any other business
a. Jimmy
Niblock thanked Robert Boyd for keeping us all posted of developments regarding
the Ice Rink and of U Tube curling competitions.
b. Robert
Boyd, as ACC President, gave an extensive and detailed resume of what the Ice
Rink was doing to get all curlers motivated to return to the ice and what was
being considered to improve the facilities.
A wide range of initiatives were described such as encouraging NHS
workers to come and try curling, seeking local business involvement in the Ice
Rink, encouraging new members and the cultivation of a welcoming atmosphere
throughout our activities, especially to come and try curling. Alistair Henry suggested that Mark Peroni and
his business also be approached to assist.
This was noted. David Gray sought
clarification on the degree of support forthcoming from the ice hockey and
figure skating fraternities which Robert Boyd gave his views on.
c. The
President said that the Committee had given consideration to forms of social
gatherings for Club members but little progress had been made due to too many
uncertainties for the way ahead to make any definitive plans. Notwithstanding, as a route map to normality
become clearer and summer approaches, something may evolve to get the
membership together prior to a return to curling.
Item 12 - Date of next meeting
14 Mar 2022 at 8.15 pm in Ayr Ice Rink following a meal at the end of our
playing season (to be confirmed once events programme finalised and aligned
with the Frame Salver match date given in the ice allocation).
The Club’s Constitution requires an
AGM to be held before 31 March each year.
The 2020 AGM was scheduled to be held on Monday 16 March 2020, however,
due to social distancing measures introduced by the UK Government as a result
of the COVID-19 virus pandemic, that meeting was cancelled at short notice on
Sunday 15 March.
In these quite exceptional
circumstances and to enable ongoing administration of Club activities, the
Committee proposed in the email from Secretary Peter dated 15 March, that a
newsletter be composed and distributed which would summarise the business to be
conducted under the proposed AGM Agenda originally issued by email on 3 March
2020. This would keep everyone informed
of this season’s achievements and plans for the next and more importantly allow
administration of the Club’s activities.
Members were advised that consent to adopt the various reports,
proposals and nominations included in the Agenda would be assumed unless
notified otherwise. No notes of any
dissension have been received.
While the way ahead for next season is
uncertain at the moment, the information herein sets the scene of how things
went last season, the changes arising from the AGM and considerations for the
Last AGM Minuted actions.
All have been completed.
Financial Statement by Treasurer.
Income & Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 January 2020 and Balance
Sheet as at that date were circulated by email to all members with the calling notice
for the AGM. These Accounts had been examined by Allan
Hastie and include his report. I would take this opportunity to thank Allan for
carrying out that task for the Club again this year.
I am
pleased to report that the Club finances are in a healthy position having
achieved a modest surplus of Income over Expenditure of £259
compared with £1,021
in 2019.
I do
not intend to cover every item in the Accounts but would highlight the
has been a return to a small downward trend in Subscription Income from £1,242
to £1,156. This
was due to two fewer Mother Club subscriptions than 2019 as well £1
less per Non-Mother Club Member and two partial year subscriptions for two new
members (Haddow and Ireland). Donations to Club funds amounted to £50
in the 2020 year compared with £103
in 2019. We incurred a deficit on the 80th Anniversary Dinner held
in the Horizon Hotel on 4th October 2019 of £199
which was the cost of the excellent magician entertainer on the evening, a cost
last year’s AGM agreed should be met from Club funds.
costs were recovered from playing members with a surplus this year of £7
compared with £461
in 2019. The charge to playing members
was reduced from £263
to £260.
The ice charge for Reserves was maintained at £60.
The net cost of ice for all matches including points, pairs and inter club
games ,but not the day league rinks , was £6,773 (2019 - £6,211).
expenses have been kept under control - the only new non-recurring item being
the donation of £50
agreed by the Committee to assist with the funding of the Junior International
Net Assets position at 31 January 2020 is in a healthy position at £3,943
and is at a level which provides a buffer for any unexpected expenditure or
delays in recovering ice money from members.
Accounts were approved by the Committee on 20 February. I would recommend adoption of these accounts.
At the
Committee meeting on 20 February 2020 I did indicate that no increase was
justified in the subscription rates for 2020/21. I have been advised by direct contact with
Scottish Curling that the rate of subscription for 2020/21 will remain at £20.
On that basis I would recommend our subscriptions should remain unchanged at £43
and £23
respectively and Non-Players £10.
currently have 34 Scottish Curling Playing Members of which 18 are Non-Mother
Club and 16 Mother Club."
"Members – ladies and
gentlemen – Hon President Jim and Alistair Henry who keeps in regular touch
with the club and indeed Skipped in the closing event, welcome all.
The Club has had a stable year as
regards membership with no drop offs and going forward for our next season the
questionnaires indicate all Playing Members returning for our competition
with the exception of Jennifer Peat. Jennifer is pursuing her foreign language
passion and we wish her well and be assured leaving has nothing to do with her
membership of the club.
On the upside, we have 3 new Reserves
playing with us this year in Douglas Haddow, Ken Ireland and Fraser Hogg and
they are most welcome to be with us. On the subject of subs, we need to ensure
all subs get asked on a regular basis to make them feel fully involved.
To this end, your Committee has
decided to alter the formats of the Drew Duncan Quaich and the Frame Salver to
include as many Reserves as possible in these competitions. An additional sheet
of ice is to be applied for and, if allocated, will allow us to field 8 Rinks
for these fixtures. If it doesn’t work, then for 21/22 we can revert
to the previous formats or adjusted formats.
As is customary over the year, the
Committee has convened for meetings and I hope our deliberations have resulted
in the Club being run efficiently for your Curling enjoyment. I must say that I
feel that I have had an easy year with no major issues to address and for this
I thank you.
On the competition front, you have
ensured that the Gangrels Club continues to have a high profile. 2 teams in the Day League
Division A is a credit to the Club, and both have earned a return place for
next season. So well done both teams.
Our year included a second Club Dinner
at the Horizon Hotel. That dinner ‘celebrated’
Club’s 80th year of existence.
The Horizon provided a splendid value for money meal and the entertainment
provided by Michael Netto the magician clearly added to everyone’s enjoyment. Whether to repeat the
Dinner will be considered for the future.
Our Match Secretary Ken will later
give us a detailed report on our match successes and minor failures in the next
Agenda report. I am pleased there is still much enthusiasm for all the regular
open competitions and I think that those who participate are put to the test
against strong opposition. That is
really good for sharpening our curling skills.
The friendlies against Beresford
Ladies, Ayr and Alloway and Tarbolton are good fun and sociable meetings, so
anyone who has not participated in these friendlies, please give it a go.
At this point, I would like to
congratulate Robert Boyd on his Presidential appointment to Ayr Curling Club.
Robert ,well done taking on the job for the furtherance of good curling for us all.
Now the matter of the amended
Constitution. The Committee felt that the wording of the Constitution should be
altered to use more relevant wording to 2020 and while there have been
contributions from all of the Committee, Peter, your Secretary, was the principal wordsmith.
As President, on your behalf we need to record
thanks to your Committee and others:
To Passion
Caterers for another year of wholesome food.
Bar Staff for
friendly service.
Ronnie Peat for
the web site maintenance - maintenance sounds a non burdensome
task. However, the up dating of weekly
results, match commentaries, photo up loading etc, etc takes up a lot of time
and is much appreciated, so many thanks Ronnie.
Our Treasurer
Ronnie Wilson – well done Ronnie for the stewardship of our funds.
Our Vice
President Peter Reynolds who has supported me with sage advice.
And the main
pillar, glue, whipper in etc who organises everything to make sure we are in
the right place at the right time week on week our Secretary Peter
Galloway - Peter a first class job - please for Peter and those who assist with
running the club - a round of applause.
Finally, thank you from me as your
retiring President for the opportunity to give something back to the Club I
have been a member of for 13 years.
It is over to Peter Reynolds to now
succeed me, and Peter have a good year going forward."
Secretary’s Review.
"Mr President, fellow Gangrels,
Members must still be traumatised by
last year’s report when I intimated that
Gangrels Rinks lost in the first round of every competition we entered. I vowed that this would never happen again on
my watch. Out would go the dead wood,
the prima donnas, the lame and the frankly incompetent. What a difference this
approach has made.
We still had our embarrassing early
exits of course, notably both rinks in the Eglinton Jug, the Parish Trophy and
the Ross Low. I won’t name the individuals here, for the
most part they are decent people and do not deserve the humiliating derision
that would be directed at them.
Soon, however, the spiral of decline
was broken. The Province Medal provided one of world sport’s most heart breaking stories. In this
competition, each club puts up 2 Rinks and the club with the highest aggregate
score of shots up over 2 games wins. We had 2 victories over Galston and Ayr
Country Club with a total of 13 shots up. Fairywell, ( stay with me here) their
first opponents didn’t turn up so they were awarded 6
shots, in the second game their opponents were a man short, so they were
awarded 3 shots. They were 9 shots up before they had thrown a stone and beat
us by 1 shot.
We contested the final of the Province
KO. Having beaten Sorn in the
semi-final, a great achievement on it’s own, a much changed rink of David
Hope, Peter Galloway, Ken Ross and Peter Reynolds took on Stewarton Heather,
the current national holders of this trophy. We gave a very good account of
ourselves being peeled at the halfway point but eventually succumbed to their
superior skills 7-4. Well done to all who played in these matches.
This year we had two Rinks in the ‘A’
League, this led to a head to head which was won in an 8 end thriller by the ‘B’
of Euan Lawrence, Peter Galloway, Richard Morrison and Steell McFadzean. We met
again in the Day League Knock Out, in another very tight match, Rink
of Ronnie Peat, Jimmy Begg, Jim Dunlop and Ken Ross prevailed. Pealed at
the bell, the Skips drew to the button; Ronnie to within a few inches and
Robert Boyd, subbing for Euan, only a matter of a couple of inches shorter. So
honours even, both matches played in friendly sporting manner typical of
Gangrels. Both Rinks finished tied in mid-table of a very competitive league
but I think it is worth pointing out that Ronnie’s Rink finished ahead of Euan’s by having lost 3 ends less ( I
mention this just to make my report complete and for no other petty reason of
one upmanship)!
Ronnie’s Rink played Fairywell in the Day
League Knockout final. Always tough opposition, we went down 9-2
All in all, a good season and I see no
reason why we cannot build on this next year to restore the glory days of years
past. I, of course, want to thank all
the members who turned out to represent the Club and encourage the whole
membership to participate in the future."
Trophy Winners
2019 – 20
trophies won during the season were:
Fraser Cup
Euan Lawrence
Peter Reynolds
Robert Boyd
Gillian Watson
President’s Cup David Hope
Kirkbride Rosebowl Bella Kennedy (Sub for Euan
Drew Duncan Quaich
Euan Lawrence
Frame Salver
Robert Charters
Ronnie Peat
Peter Galloway
David Gray
Robert Boyd (38)
Kennedy Pairs Robert
Charters and David Gray
Award Robert Boyd
Bearers and Committee elected for 2020-21
Hon President Jim Lyburn
President Peter Reynolds
Vice President Anne Hay
Secretary Peter Galloway
Treasurer Ronnie Wilson
Match Secretary Ken Ross
Committee Robert Charters
Past President Richard Morrison
Examiner of Accounts Allan Hastie
On taking on the role of President,
Peter (Reynolds) thanked Richard for his successful year in that role and in
conclusion, wished all members a good summer.
Numbers and Skips
Availability returns indicate that
there will be sufficient Playing Members to resource 6 Rinks with a healthy
pool of Reserves (10). The Skips selected
for next season will be:
Peter Reynolds (President), Anne Hay,
Francis McCrossin, Ronnie Wilson, Ronnie Peat and Ken Ross. Well balanced Rinks for each Skip are in the
course of being selected.
of ice times for next season.
An ice bid has been submitted along
the same lines as last season namely Mondays at 5.00 pm. However, to get more of/all the Reserves
involved, the Drew Duncan Quaich and Frame Salver events would require 8 Rinks
and 4 sheets of ice. The Rinks for these
events would be formed from an amalgam of both Playing and Reserve
members. The ice allocation from Ayr
Curlers Limited is not anticipated to be received until about July. A suggestion has been made to change the
format of the Kennedy Pairs to Doubles, the rules and conduct of which will be
explained at the practice ice night at the beginning of the season.
No objections or suggested amendments
have been received to the updated Constitution drafted and previously
distributed for endorsement. The updated
Constitution was adopted.
of SC/Eglinton Jug/Ayrshire Province Representatives.
Robert Boyd and Jim Lyburn were
endorsed to remain as the respective Representatives for the SC and
and Privacy Notice.
The General Data Protection Act and
the Club’s Privacy Notice as formulated 2 years ago and available on the
Website remains extant.
Crew necked lambswool jerseys
embroidered with the Club badge are no longer available. However, black sweatshirts are as a
replacement as are embroidered badges on their own. If either are required for next season,
please advise the Secretary accordingly and an order will be placed.
This "Review" is deemed to
be a minute of the business which would have been conducted by the 2020 AGM of
the Club for future administrative and record purposes.
Peter Galloway
Secretary GCC
10 April 2020
Mon 13 Mar 2023 at 8.15 pm in Ayr Ice Rink (to be confirmed once events
programme finalised and aligned with the Frame Salver match date given in the
ice allocation).
CLUB, held on Zoom on Monday 15th March 2021 at 5.00
The President, Peter Reynolds, hosted/chaired the meeting.
The following members were present
Ally Henry, Anne Hay, Ken Ross, Gillian Watson, Francis McCrossin, Ronnie Wilson, Robert Boyd, David Gray, Peter Reynolds, Robert Charters, George Hay, Jim Dunlop, Peter Galloway, Richard Morrison, Donald Cattanach, David Hope, Jimmy Niblock, Fraser Hogg.
Item 1 - Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Jimmy Begg.
Item 2 - Endorsement of Minutes
The Review Notes of the 81st Annual General Meeting dated 16 Mar 20 were endorsed. Proposer, George Hay, Seconder, David Gray.
Item 3 - Actions arising
The Secretary reported that no actions were recorded.
Item 4 - Financial Statement
The Treasurer, Ronnie Wilson, gave his report which had previously been circulated along with the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31Jan 21. These accounts had been approved by Committee on 15 Feb 21. The Treasurer closed by recommending adoption of the accounts as presented. This was Proposed by Jimmy Niblock and Seconded by Jim Dunlop.
Item 5 - Reviews of past season and presentation of trophies
The President addressed the meeting as follows:
"It has been a year like no other. Fellow Gangrels, I hope you and yours have all managed to stay well, sane, and reasonably fit throughout this year of the Covid19 pandemic.
My review covers
four main areas; a brief account of the curling which took place, what your
Committee got up to, the state of the Club and its Membership and finally a few
words of thanks and hope for the future
Our short playing season was brought to an abrupt end when stricter Covid19 restrictions were introduced in October last year. Only four Club events took place. On 28th September a Gangrels team consisting of your President, Ronnie Peat, Jim Dunlop and David Hope took part in the Opening Bonspiel, and came 2nd, with a good win over the Country Club but beaten by Galston. Later that day there was a Gangrels practice session attended by 13 Club Members. On 5th October the first round of the Fraser Cup was played – there were 3 winners and 3 losers – Peter Galloway’s rink was top of the board on ends up. Two days later on the 7th October Peter Galloway (skip) with Ernest Mutter, Ronnie Peat and Jimmy Niblock won their game against Troon Portland in the first round of the Ross Low.
As no Club competitions were completed this year, there are no trophies to be presented.
Your Committee continued to be active through the year, the President intermittently, the Treasurer frequently, and the Secretary almost continuously, initially communicating by phone and email, later adopting the new technology with a total of 6 Zoom Committee Meetings over the last few months. (We are indebted to Gillian Watson for her advice and encouragement in that direction.)
The main areas of discussion concerned the protection of the interests of the Club and its Members, how to interpret and respond to the information from
Ayr Curling
Club/Ayrshire Curlers Limited, and plans for the resumption of curling next
There was much talk about pledges to support the Ice Rink, both individual and as a Club. After careful investigation of the circumstances and with the Treasurer’s approval, the Committee agreed to pledge £2000, and to encourage Members to pledge an amount with which they were comfortable. There were no objections to this from the Membership, indeed messages of approval were received. We still await details of the allocation of Government sports funding, but ACC/ACL appear to be optimistic that the pledges may not be required, at least not the full amount pledged.
Formal election of Office Bearers comes later in the Agenda, but this matter was considered in Committee. The Committee agreed to the proposal that this year’s Office Bearers and Committee Members (those who are willing and able) should remain in post for a further year, to give continuity in these exceptional times, and to enjoy a more normal experience in these roles next year. We shall come back to that in Item 6 of the Agenda.
Moving on to Membership of the Club. We have heard that the Club is in good financial health, and judging from Secretary Peter’s questionnaire returns, the level of enthusiasm for a return to curling is gratifyingly high. Also when one more Playing Member to make up 6 rinks was sought, more than one of the Reserves put themselves forward straightaway, and we thank them for this.
We have 3 resignations from the Club – Austin Thomson, Greer Murray (who was a non-playing member in recent years), and Ken Ireland, and no new members proposed. Euan Lawrence has elected to join the Reserves, Fraser Hogg and Willie Scott have stepped up to become Playing Members, and I am especially delighted that Anne Hay is returning to curl with us, as a Reserve at this stage.
One other resignation I should mention concerns our Treasurer Ronnie Wilson, who is standing down from this post after 8 years in the job. The Club’s finances could not have been in safer hands, and we thank you Ronnie for your diligence, efficiency, and wise counsel in Committee over this time. We are naturally delighted that you are continuing to curl with us.
I am very happy to announce that Past President Richard Morrison has agreed to take on the role, and I am sure there will be a seamless transition from one excellent Treasurer to the next.
Before I finish I would like to thank you all for entrusting me with the Presidency of this historic Club, which I take as a great honour. I would also like to thank my Committee, for their support through the year, and tolerance of my variable success in mastering Zoom technology.
Thanks also go to
Ronnie Peat for attending to the website (not such an onerous task this year),
Ken Ross Match Secretary who has worked with Secretary Peter in the selection
of rinks and skips, Ronnie Wilson Treasurer whom I have already thanked, Jim
Dunlop Vice President who stepped in at short notice, and Peter Galloway, our
unfailing Secretary, who simply keeps the show on the road.
I hope we are all able to enjoy the summer when it comes, and I very much look forward to meeting on the ice in the autumn."
Item 6 - Election of Office Bearers
As had been intimated by the President in his review at Item 5 above, as this had been a fallow year in terms of curling activity, it had been agreed by the Committee that, exceptionally, there should be no changes in the composition of the Committee. Jimmy Niblock said that the precedence for continuing with a President and Committee for consecutive years had been set in the past without objection. With no objections being voiced, the Secretary reported that the Office Bearers and Committee for 2021-22 would therefore be:
President Jim Lyburn
President Peter Reynolds
President Jim Dunlop
President Richard Morrison
Secretary Peter Galloway
Treasurer Richard Morrison
Secretary Ken Ross
Committee Robert Charters (1)
Watson (2)
Scott (2)
Todd (2)
Accounts Allan Hastie
7 - Fixing of Subscriptions
The Treasurer reminded the meeting that
there had been a debate and review of subscription rates last year which
resulted in the Mother Club subscription being set at £43 (inclusive of a £20
SC/RCCC membership fee), Non-Mother Club at £23 and Non-Playing at £10. Given the satisfactory state of the Club
accounts as previously stated at Item 4, he therefore recommended that there be
no change to Playing Member and Non-playing subscriptions. He added that we
were unlikely to be advised of the subscription fees for both Ayr Curling Club
and Scottish Curling/RCCC until about Aug 2021.
His proposal that there be no change to the basic Club subscription
rates was accepted unanimously.
8 - Rink numbers and selection of Skips
Taking into account the resignations
and changes in playing status reported by the President in his review at Item 5
above, the Secretary thanked the membership for their input and summarised the
results of the annual questionnaire returns which indicated sufficient Playing
Members to resource 6 Rinks again for next season along with a healthy balance
of Reserves (9). He also highlighted
that the previously agreed trial to have 8 Rinks participate in the Drew Duncan
Quaich and Frame Salver competitions would be progressed next season where all
Playing and Reserve Members would compete. Sufficient Playing Members and
Reserves had been recorded for all external events. He then proposed that if everyone was
content, he would work up an events programme very similar in activity level as
in this season’s fixture card and with very similar Skips and Rinks. This would then be used to inform an ice bid which
would be submitted to ACL once they had indicated what a return to curling
would entail.
Action: Sec
Robert Boyd as ACC President expressed the optimistic
view that Ayr ice Rink should re-open for business in the very near future once
sufficient financial support had been provided and declared by Sport Scotland
and then ACL. Restoring the ice pad
would then be progressed as a matter of priority.
The following Skips were elected for
the season:
Peter Reynolds (Pres), Francis McCrossin,
David Gray, Ronnie Wilson, Ronnie Peat and Ken Ross. Additions for the Drew Duncan Quaich and
Frame Salver events would be Peter Galloway and Bella Kennedy.
9 - Election of Scottish Curling/Eglinton Jug/Ayrshire Province Reps
The Secretary proposed and it was
agreed that the extant representatives, Robert Boyd (SC/RCCC) and Jim Lyburn
(EJ/AP), should continue.
10 - Selection of ice times for 2021/22
The Secretary sought agreement to
continue to bid for Club internal events to be held on Mondays between 5 - 7 pm
with drinks and a meal afterwards which was agreed without dissent. He
undertook to bid accordingly.
Action: Sec.
Jim Dunlop asked whether catering on
site would be available which Robert Boyd confirmed.
The Secretary said that as the way
ahead for next season was still unknown, it could be another short notice and
busy 6 months to get our curling house in order, fixtures arranged and then
promulgated. Last year’s fixture card
would be used as a template. More
information and fine detail was awaited from ACL/ACC as was whether Covid 19
protection protocols would be applied.
Robert Boyd and George Hay both suggested that the current fog of Ice
Rink curling activity uncertainty may be eased in the next week or two.
11 - Any other business
a. Jimmy
Niblock thanked Robert Boyd for keeping us all posted of developments regarding
the Ice Rink and of U Tube curling competitions.
b. Robert
Boyd, as ACC President, gave an extensive and detailed resume of what the Ice
Rink was doing to get all curlers motivated to return to the ice and what was
being considered to improve the facilities.
A wide range of initiatives were described such as encouraging NHS
workers to come and try curling, seeking local business involvement in the Ice
Rink, encouraging new members and the cultivation of a welcoming atmosphere
throughout our activities, especially to come and try curling. Alistair Henry suggested that Mark Peroni and
his business also be approached to assist.
This was noted. David Gray sought
clarification on the degree of support forthcoming from the ice hockey and
figure skating fraternities which Robert Boyd gave his views on.
c. The
President said that the Committee had given consideration to forms of social
gatherings for Club members but little progress had been made due to too many
uncertainties for the way ahead to make any definitive plans. Notwithstanding, as a route map to normality
become clearer and summer approaches, something may evolve to get the
membership together prior to a return to curling.
Item 12 - Date of next meeting
14 Mar 2022 at 8.15 pm in Ayr Ice Rink following a meal at the end of our
playing season (to be confirmed once events programme finalised and aligned
with the Frame Salver match date given in the ice allocation).
Bob Cherry
Willie Scott
Ken Ross
Steell McFadzean
Francis McCrossin
Ronnie Wilson
David Hope
George Hodge
Jimmy Begg
Robert Boyd
David Gray
Peter Reynolds
Simon Bloomfield
George Hay
Jim Dunlop
Ronnie Peat
Peter Kennedy
Ernest Mutter
Peter Galloway
Richard Morrison
Euan Lawrence
Gordon Todd
Jimmy Niblock
Jim Lyburn
Austin Thomson
Bella Kennedy
Item 1 - Apologies
Item 2 - Endorsement of Minutes
Item 3 - Actions arising
Item 4 - Financial Statement
Item 5 - Reviews of past season and presentation
of trophies
Trophy Winners 2018 – 19
Fraser Cup
Peter Kennedy
Ronnie Peat
Ronnie Wilson
Peter Galloway
Bella Kennedy
(frequent and regular substitute)
President’s Cup
Peter Kennedy
Ronnie Peat
Ronnie Wilson
Peter Galloway
Bella Kennedy (substitute)
Kirkbride Rosebowl
Steell McFadzean
Jimmy Begg
George Hay
Peter Reynolds
Drew Duncan Quaich
David Gray
Euan Lawrence
(Jim Nelson substituted)
Francis McCrossin
Gordon Todd
Frame Salver
Richard Morrison
Euan Lawrence
George Hay
Peter Reynolds
Euan Lawrence (28)
Kennedy Pairs
Euan Lawrence and Ken Ross
Sportsman’s Award
Peter Galloway
Item 6 - Election of Office Bearers
Honorary President
Jim Lyburn
Vice President
Peter Reynolds
Peter Galloway
Ronnie Wilson
Item 7 - Fixing of Subscriptions
Item 8 - Rink numbers and selection of Skips
Item 9 - Election of Scottish Curling/Eglinton
Jug/Ayrshire Province Reps
Item 10 - Selection of ice times for 2019/20
Item 11 - Any other business
Item 12 - Date of next meeting
Bob Cherry
Willie Scott
Ken Ross
Robert Charters
Francis McCrossin
Ronnie Wilson
David Hope
George Hodge
Jimmy Begg
Robert Boyd
David Gray
Peter Reynolds
Anne Hay
George Hay
Harry Peters
Ronnie Peat
Peter Kennedy
Ernest Mutter
Peter Galloway
Richard Morrison
Item 1 - Apologies
Item 2 - Endorsement of Minutes
Item 3 - Actions arising
Item 4 - Financial Statement
Item 5 - Reviews of past season and presentation
of trophies
Trophy Winners 2017 – 18
Fraser Cup
Robert Boyd
Bob Cherry
Anne Hay
Peter Galloway
President’s Cup
Peter Reynolds
Euan Lawrence
Ronnie Wilson
George Hay
Kirkbride Rosebowl
Drew Duncan Quaich
Richard Morrison
Jimmy Niblock
David Hope
Jim Dunlop
Frame Salver
Robert Boyd
Ronnie Peat
Francis McCrossin
Jennifer Mutter
David Hope (24)
Kennedy Pairs
Ronnie Wilson
and Ken Ross
Sportsman’s Award
Richard Morrison
Item 6 - Election of Office Bearers
Honorary President
Jim Lyburn
Peter Kennedy
Vice President
Peter Galloway
Ronnie Wilson
Item 7 - Fixing of Subscriptions
Item 8 - Rink numbers and selection of Skips
Item 9 - Election of Scottish Curling/Eglinton
Jug/Ayrshire Province Reps
Item 10 - Selection of ice times for 2017/18
Item 11 - Any other business
Item 12 - Date of next meeting
Alistair Henry
Jennifer Peat
Ronnie Peat
Peter Kennedy
Bert McKay
Richard Morrison
Austin Thomson
Alistair Henry
Ronnie Peat
Peter Kennedy
K Brown
Austin Thomson
Jim Loch
Anne Hay
Richard Morrison
Greer Murray
Bob Cherry
Ken Ross
Jim Dunlop
Jimmy Niblock
Euan Lawrence
Allan Hastie
David Hope
George Hodge
Jimmy Begg
Bob Grassom
David Gray
Steell McFadzean
Robert Charters
George Hay
Harry Peters
Jim Henry
Ernest Mutter
Alan K Brown
Peter Galloway
Colin Naismith
Bert McKay
Gerry Watson
Ronnie Wilson
Francis McCrossin
Charlie Jack
- Robert Boyd David
Kidd Forbes Watson
- One member died:
Jim Watson (Honorary President)
Reserve membership free
for one year to new members
There was some discussion about an alternative
arrangement of charging reserves £4 when they play. However in view of the
admin hassle, the membership agreed that the Club should proceed with the
initial proposal above.
Lady Members
The Clubs desperate need for new members drove the
debate amongst the membership. The constitution is silent, the legal position
is not relevant. Admitting lady members will have an effect on the atmosphere
and culture of the club, and there was a degree of reluctance amongst some
members because of this. However a majority of the members agreed to take
this step in the interests of the Club’s survival.
It was agreed to explore possible inter-league
arrangements with other clubs.
Fixture Adjustments
a) It was
agreed to look at reorganising the Pairs Competition
b) It was
agreed to try to play all games on a Monday night (and preferably at 5 pm)
c) It was
agreed to trial mixing the rinks in the Beresford Ladies Match for one year.
Slow Play
There was a general discussion and agreement to
improve this. There is no reason why 8 ends should not be played in every
game and it is the Skip’s responsibility to ensure this happens.
There was agreement to continue to print the Fixture
Jim Henry said he was honoured to be made Honorary
Euan Lawrence applauded the Gangrels for its RCCC
A training night will be organised for the start of
next season.
George Hay explained the formation of a new limited
company Ayrshire Ice Sports Ltd. which is seeking charitable status, and will
be instrumental in obtaining further grant aid from Sport Scotland for
David Hope asked the membership to thank the
excellent caterers, Hazel and her team.
Allan Hastie
Jim Watson
Alan K Brown
Austin Thomson
Bert McKay
Euan Lawrence
Robert Boyd
Bob Grassom
Francis McCrossin
Scott Thomson
Harry Peters
Ken Ross
Jimmy Niblock
David Gray
Jim Henry
Colin Naismith
Charlie Jack
Peter Galloway
Peter Reynolds
Jimmy Begg
George Hay
Jim Dunlop
Steell McFadzean
George Hodge
Peter Kennedy
Ronnie Wilson
Gerry Watson
Robert Charters
Ronnie Peat
Alistair Henry
Donald Cattanach
David Hope
Richard Morrison
- Roy Penny David
Kidd Russell Boyd
- One member died:
John Sharp
- Pete Graham
Disnae Club – a
good way to recruit new members from the Disnae Club is for Gangrels to be
involved in running the club. Volunteers are required to assist with the
classes. They will get to know potential members and feed them in to
Joint League Competitions - this
may be worth looking at for season after next. A joint league with another
small club would bring more games and is possibly a way forward whilst
maintaining club identity. There are lots of members of other clubs here –
and we are interested to talk to other clubs about this.
Members will be asked if they wish to order a new
Jim Henry asked about declining membership. There
are many reasons and the Gangrels is in a similar position to other clubs.
These include age, members reducing
the number of Club Memberships, various working members unable to play at 5
pm. The importance of a close
association with the Disnae Club was stressed.
Euan Lawrence
mentioned the importance of etiquette on the ice and highlighted in
particular that the lead and second should stand between the hoglines during
play and not behind the end.
Anniversary Bonspiel and Dinner
To be held on Sunday 5th October.
Ronnie Peat produced details of preparation to date.
Jim Henry asked about the possibility of sponsorship and this was taken on
David Hope
Bob Cherry
Scott Thomson
Colin Naismith
Gerry Watson
Ronnie Peat
Jimmy Begg
Ken Ross
Austin Thomson
Robert Boyd
Jim Dunlop
David Gray
Ernest Mutter
Forbes Watson
Peter Reynolds
Francis McCrossan
Euan Lawrence
Bert McKay
Robert Charters
Bob Grassom
Peter Galloway
Jim Henry
Jim Watson
Jimmy Niblock
George Hodge
Russell Boyd
Ronnie Wilson
Allan Hastie
Jim Lyburn
Roy Penny
Steell McFadzean
George Hay
Alan K Brown
Charlie Jack
- David Moulds
Willie Scott David Kidd
- Peter Galloway
It was agreed that it is the Skips responsibility to
ensure that they have a full rink playing. Members should find reserves and
always notify their skip. There are more reserves following the reduction in
rinks and generally no excuse for playing with 3.
Skips should also take responsibility for
coaching/helping/coordinating their rinks.
It was suggested that the training session could
take place later in the season after a few games.
The committee was asked to look at the Pairs
Competition as there were a lot of substitutions this year.
It was requested that later club competition dates
be put on the website as quickly as possible.
Ken Ross's Match Secretary's Report for 2013 can be found here
- Bill Inglis David
- Bill Beaton and David Murphy.
- Harry Peters and Donald Cattanach
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