Thursday, September 29, 2011

Opening Night

Ronnie Wilson's first official task as President was to welcome everyone to a new season and to ask Honorary President Jim Watson to throw the first stone.  Jim's stone, ably marshalled by Robert Boyd, slid unerringly towards the house and the new season was underway.

There were a few oohs and aahs, mainly as unused muscles were reminded of their duties, and some enjoyable games were played.

There were wins for Jim Henry, Jimmy Niblock and Francis McCrossin.  Robert Boyd and Ernest Mutter drew 8-8, but the result of the night surely belonged to Bob Cherry's team. Trailing 7-5 at the last end they somehow conjured up a 6 to win by 4 shots.

All the results are here, or you can find them using the link to the Fraser Cup at the right of the page.

Afterwards, we all enjoyed an excellent meal and some good chat.  The club also took a few moments to remember our dearly departed friends Bill Beaton and David Murphy.

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