Monday, January 3, 2022

President's Cup

 The New Year of 2022 brings a slightly amended way of curling, but it really was good to be on the ice again.  We can cope with only one sweeper being allowed.

The President's Cup is where the skips play lead and everyone else moves up. As I've mentioned before this can cause confusion, so I will continue to call the rinks by the original skip's name, while acknowledging in the comments who is actually skipping. 

This is particularly relevant in the first game mentioned, where Gordon Todd skipped Team Peat beautifully and had a convincing 11-1 win over Team Gray, skipped by George Hay.

Team Ross was skipped by Ernest Mutter and the game was closely fought. The score was 4-4 after 6 ends against Peter Galloway and the Wilson rink. Scores of 2 and 1 and the last two ends gave Ernest a 7-4 win.

The third game was also close. The McCrossin team were led by Jimmy Niblock and they scored at three of the first four ends to lead 5-1. However, Jim Dunlop (Team Reynolds) fought back with a three at end 5 and was only one behind playing the last.  Jimmy scored a single shot to win the game 7-5.

The league table is here and is also available by clicking on the President's Cup link at the top of the page. 

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