Wednesday, March 26, 2014

World Men's Curling Championships

WMCC 2014 Approved Logo

Saturday will see the start of this year's World Championships. They are being held in Beijing, China and the action starts at 2.00 pm, local time, which I think will be 7.00 am in Scotland.  Scotland's first game is against Sweden.
The full schedule of events is shown here. You will also see a schedule of TV coverage on that page. I understand that Eurosport is covering the event so I'm not sure if that means we'll be geoblocked from watching the games on the WCF/ YouTube Curling Channel. Give it a try for yourself by clicking here, but if it doesn't show games then you have to use Eurosport on TV or on their website.

Results are being provided by Curlit - click here.

Team Macdonald 250X188

Scotland are being represented by the very experienced Ewan MacDonald, along with Duncan Fernie, David Reid (from Stewarton Heather) and Eua

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Frame Salver and AGM

We had the pleasure of welcoming Honorary President Jim Watson and Alistair Henry last night, with Alistair managing to throw a few stones in Bert McKay's team.
The deserved winners of the Frame Salver were the team of Charlie Jack, Jim Dunlop, Richard Morrison and Robert Charters who had a good 9-3 victory over Ronnie Peat's team.

Frame Salver Winners
Bob Charters, Richard Morrison, Jim Dunlop, Charlie Jack (skip)

In due course, we hope to publish the full report of the AGM along with the President's and Match Secretary's reports.

For the moment, Ronnie Peat was elected as President and Francis McCrossin as Vice President.
The general committee will in future be reduced from 6 to 4 and Peter Galloway, David Moulds, Peter Reynolds and Ken Ross will continue as committee members.

We were given notice of our 75th Anniversary Bonspiel and Dinner. This will be held on Sunday 5th October.  6 sheets of ice have been booked at 4.15. 6 other clubs will be invited to send a team and there will be a dinner in the evening, catered by Passion Caterers, for club members, guests and wives.

Here are some photos of last night's prizewinners.

Fraser Cup Winners
Bob Charters, George Hodge, Richard Morrison, Bob Cherry (skip)
President's Cup Winners
Peter Reynolds, Jim Henry, Ronnie Peat, Jim Dunlop (skip)
Kirkbride Rosebowl Winners
David Gray, Gerry Watson, Jimmy Niblock, Jimmy Begg (skip)
Drew Duncan Quaich Winners
Colin Naismith, Peter Galloway, George Hay, Steell McFadzean (skip)
Pairs Winners
Gerry Watson and Euan Lawrence
Joint Winners of Points Trophy
Ronnie Peat and Robert Boyd (40 points)
Sportsman's Award
Ken Ross

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Points Competition

There were some good scores tonight on tricky ice in the Points Competition.
In the first session, the top two were the Boyds, father and son, with Robert scoring 40 points and Russell on 35.
In the second session, top was Ronnie Peat, also on 40 points, with David Hope on 26.

So the trophy will be shared between Robert & Ronnie.

Top scores
Robert Boyd     40
Ronnie Peat      40
Russell Boyd    35
Ken Ross         28
David Gray       28
David Hope      26

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Jimmy Begg wins Kirkbride Rosebowl

Seven shots in the first three ends went a long way towards winning the trophy tonight.  Jimmy Begg's team of Gerry Watson, David Gray and Jimmy Niblock then swapped threes with Francis McCrossin and his team of Allan Hastie, David Moulds and Bob Cherry (subbing for David Hope).
Although Francis scored five shots over the last two ends, he couldn't quite catch up and the game finished with a score of 10-8 to Jimmy Begg.

Kirkbride Rosebowl Runners Up
Bob Cherry, Allan Hastie, David Moulds and Francis McCrossin

Kirkbride Rosebowl Winners 2014
Jimmy Niblock, Jimmy Begg, Gerry Watson and David Gray
In the Low Road Final Ronnie Peat's team of Jim Dunlop, Jim Henry and Robert Boyd also got off to a good start, building up a 10 shot lead after 4 ends against Steell McFadzean.
Steell's team of George Hay, Colin Naismith and Peter Galloway started a fightback but eventually shook hands with the score 10-3.
Colin Naismith said "It was closer that it looked" and  he was right because every end was closely fought.

Low Road Runners Up
Colin Naismith, Peter Galloway, Steell McFadzean and George Hay

Low Road Winners
Ronnie Peat, Jim Dunlop, Jim Henry and Robert Boyd

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kirkbride Rosebowl Semi Finals

Jimmy Begg and David Hope will contest the Rosebowl High Road Final this Wednesday. Jimmy's team held off the challenge of Euan Lawrence, scoring a two at the last to win by 11 shots to 8.
David Hope always seemed to have the upper hand against Bob Cherry, winning eventually by 11 shots to 3.

The Low Road final will be between Ronnie Peat and Steell McFadzean.  Ronnie's team beat Charlie Jack by 11 shots to 4 and Steel won by 9 shots to 5.